Exemption from Tender - Call Centre Services After Hours and Parking Ticket Machines

17/05/2021 - Exemption from Tender - Call Centre Services After Hours and Parking Ticket Machines

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council approve an exemption from tender for Call Centre Services After Hours and Parking Ticket Machines for an additional one-year period, noting that because of extenuating circumstances, a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting tenders in this case;

(B)        Council note the reason a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting tenders for the provision of Call Centre Services After Hours and Parking Ticket Machines is that changes in operating procedures and the implementation of digital services would mean that tenderers would not receive sufficient information to make competitive and reliable proposals:

(i)          the way in which the City monitors and responds to social media is about to change and at this stage the City is unable to estimate the volume and average handling time impacts these changes will have on an after-hours call centre provider;

(ii)         the City is implementing a new contact system which will impact the volume of calls referred to an after-hours call centre provider. The volume impact will not be accurately determined until the system is implemented and has been in operation for three to six months; and

(iii)        the City is developing an online services channel which will allow the community to access, engage and transact more online, impacting the processes and volumes for an after-hours call centre provider; 

(C)       Council note that continuous delivery of the operation of after-hours and parking services call centre is required to maintain 24/7 service to the community; and

(D)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer/vary the contracts relating to Call Centre Services After Hours and Parking Ticket Machines in accordance with this approval.

Carried unanimously.
