Revised Project Scope - Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade

26/07/2021 - Revised Project Scope - Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council endorse the revised project scope for the Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade as described in the subject report for the purpose of proceeding with design development and lodgement of the Development Application, documentation and tender for construction works;

(B)      Council note the financial implications detailed in Confidential Attachment C to the subject report;

(C)      Council approve that the additional funds required for this project are sourced from the future year provisions for Community and Recreational Facilities included in the City's current approved Long Term Financial Plan, as set out in the City's Resourcing Strategy (2021);

(D)      Council approve an exemption from tender for additional contingency for the Head Design Consultant works by reason of extenuating circumstances, noting that a satisfactory result for the City would not be achieved by inviting tenders at this time;

(E)      Council note the reasons that a satisfactory result would not be achieved for inviting tenders for this work are:

(i)         the expanded scope of works (from part to all of the Community Centre) is best carried out by the current head design consultant on the basis the consultant is already engaged, and work is well underway, thereby resulting in efficiency in program design and costs and transfer of existing project knowledge associated with the expanded scope of works; and

(ii)        the proposed services can be provided by a company already engaged by Council. Hence a natural advantage, such as efficiency in program, costs, and transfer of existing knowledge will be achieved by using the existing company;

(F)       Council approve the increased contract contingency to the existing Head Design Consultant contract to cover extended design work, as described in Confidential Attachment C to the subject report; and

(G)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer variations to the Head Design Consultant Contract relating to Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade.

Carried unanimously.
