Exemption from Tender - Renewable Gas Certification Pilot

26/07/2021 - Exemption from Tender - Renewable Gas Certification Pilot

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council endorse entering into discussions with Jemena Limited, Sydney Water and other relevant related parties under a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding to investigate the City’s participation in a Renewable Gas Certification Pilot;

(B)      Council approve an exemption from tender to enter into an agreement with Jemena Limited, Sydney Water or appropriate related entities in relation to the Renewable Gas Certification Pilot for a timeframe that will be determined during implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding;

(C)      Council note that a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting tenders for this work because:

(i)         the Renewable Gas Certification Pilot is a unique inter-industry partnership which cannot be replicated and hence there are no other suppliers which can offer a similar competitive / reliable alternative; and

(ii)        there are no other suppliers currently, so there are no competitors with which to run a tender process;

(D)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding;

(E)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine if the Renewable Gas Certification Pilot commences and is considered to be feasible and, if feasible, negotiate, execute and administer the contracts relating to the Renewable Gas Certification Pilot; and

(F)      Council note that if the City enters into an agreement with Jemena Limited, details of this agreement will be provided via CEO Update.

Carried unanimously.
