Development Application: 422-424 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills - D/2020/993

03/11/2021 - Development Application: 422-424 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills - D/2020/993

The Panel deferred consideration of Development Application No. D/2020/993 until a subsequent meeting of the Local Planning Panel to enable an amended proposal to be considered by the Design Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee.

Reasons for Decision

The application was deferred to enable the Design Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee to consider an amended proposal.

The Panel acknowledged that the amendments to the proposed development as reflected in the amended plans and additional information lodged with the City on 12 August 2021 have addressed many of the issues identified by the Design Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee on its review of 7 December 2020, and those raised by Council officers and in submissions.

The Panel expressed concern that not all the issues raised by the Design Advisory Panel Residential Subcommittee were adequately addressed in the application. In particular:

1.         height of the new addition, including remaining non-compliance with the height control in clause 4.3 of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2021, and a desirable zone transition; and

2.         in relation to the Design Excellence criteria:

             (a)       relationship between the proposed new additions and the existing structure;

             (b)       scale of the proposed additions;

              (c)       compatibility with the character and road pattern of the local area (clause 30A State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009); and

             (d)       impact on adjoining  properties, including privacy issues relating to operable louvres to the boarding house rooms, and overshadowing of lower level units at 426 Cleveland Street.

Carried unanimously.
