It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following in Pitt Street, Sydney:
(A) Removal of the pop-up cycleway on the western side of Pitt Street, between King and Underwood Streets;
(B) Separated bi-directional cycleway on the western side of Pitt Street, between King and Underwood Streets;
(C) Pedestrian refuge island in Pitt Street, south of Bond Street;
(D) Permanent closure of the entry traffic lane of Spring Street at Pitt Street;
(E) Shared path on the eastern footpath of Pitt Street, between Bulletin Place and Alfred Street;
(F) Reallocation of parking on the western side of Pitt Street, between King and Underwood Streets as "No Stopping";
(G) Reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Pitt Street, between the points 164.4 metres and 193.5 metres, north of King Street as "Taxi Zone";
(H) Reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Pitt Street, between the points 193.5 metres and 206 metres, north of King Street as "2P Disability Parking Only 6am-6pm" and "No Parking All Other Times";
(I) Reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Pitt Street, between the points 206 metres and 218.5 metres, north of King Street as "No Stopping";
Members for this Item
Voting Members |
Support |
Object |
City of Sydney |
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Transport for NSW |
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NSW Police – |
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Representative for the Member for |
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The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.
The Cycling Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by the City
in 2007, and incorporated into the City’s strategic plan, Sustainable Sydney
2030. The City has since planned and
largely implemented the delivery of the first suite of cycle network projects
and updated the Strategy and Action Plan in 2018.
Council’s cycleway projects focus on safety, function, prioritisation and a separation from general traffic and pedestrians for cyclists.
As part of the response to COVID-19 the City and Transport
for NSW have jointly delivered six pop-up cycleways, including on Pitt Street
North. The pop-ups provide more options for people to walk and cycle around the
city more safely.
As part of the Pitt Street pop-up cycleway the following has been implemented:
· The two western lanes have been converted into extra space for people walking and a separated cycleway.
· Painted road markings and temporary barriers and flexible posts have been installed to create the cycleway zone.
· The pop-up cycleway is bi-directional and the required changes to traffic signals have been made.
· Parking has been removed along the western side of the street and parking restrictions have been adjusted on the eastern side of the street to accommodate business and operational needs.
The street configuration and road space allocation in the permanent design is to be same as the pop-up design.