Parking Assessment for Hansard Street, Zetland

09/08/2021 - Parking Assessment for Hansard Street, Zetland

Original motion moved by Councillor Phelps, seconded by Councillor Vithoulkas -

It is resolved that -

(A)      Council note:

(i)         City staff hold regular construction liaison meetings with the community about projects underway at Green Square;

(ii)        between 20 May and 10 June 2021, the City carried out a community consultation program about the revised plans for parking on streets in Green Square, which included an online community briefing session on 31 May 2021;

(iii)      the requests of residents detailed in two petitions tabled at Council on 28 June 2021, including:

(a)       that the existing and currently approved proposal for unrestricted parking on the Northern side of Hansard Street, Zetland, between Portman Street and Joynton Avenue be maintained and not be revised to 2P from 8am to 10pm; and

(b)       that the revised proposal for all two hour metered parking on both sides of Hansard St, Zetland, between Dunning Avenue and Portman Street revert from 2P 8am to 10pm back to the currently approved time of 2P 8am to 6pm;

(iv)      residents who have signed the petition oppose the proposed changes listed in (A)(iii)(a) and (b) due to:

(a)       these changes resulting in a net loss of 32 parking spaces on Portman Street for residents; and

(b)       residents of City West Housing community housing development located at 50 Hansard Street, and 130-132 Portman Street, Zetland, being ineligible for resident parking permits, and not having the same access to visitor parking vouchers;

(v)       the proposed design changes, which include rear to kerb angled parking, will create an overall increase in the number of parking spaces available in the area over the current approved design;

(vi)      as a result of concerns raised in the petitions, changes have been made to parking restrictions on Hansard Street between Dunning Avenue and Joynton Avenue that balance community feedback with the need for on-street parking and the growing Green Square town centre;

(vii)     on 23 July 2021, an update was sent to residents and businesses in the area about the consultation outcomes including information about the proposed changes being reported to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee on 14 August 2021;

(viii)    the Neighbourhood Parking Policy is intended to balance sustainability objectives with the fair and consistent management of kerbside parking; and

(ix)      the next scheduled review of the Neighbourhood Parking Policy is in early 2022, when City staff will examine whether changes are required to improve fairness and transparency in relation to how the policy is applied; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         update residents and businesses in the area about the outcome of the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee meeting of 14 August 2021, when the proposed changes and consultation outcomes will be discussed; and

(ii)        report the outcome from the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee meeting of 14 August 2021 back to Councillors via the CEO Update.

The amended motion was carried unanimously.
