Signing on to the Better Futures Australia Declaration

09/08/2021 - Signing on to the Better Futures Australia Declaration

Moved by Councillor Scully, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         Australia has not adopted a net zero emissions by 2050 target. Australia is out of step with other advanced economies on this point: at the recent G7 meeting, leaders committed to achieving net zero “by 2050 at the latest” as well as more ambitious targets for 2030;

(ii)        the Better Futures Australia initiative is part of a global action supported by Climate Action Network Australia. It is the work of a network of partners who are amplifying climate work already underway by bringing together private and public sector leaders to scale success stories and demonstrate Australia’s readiness for an ambitious national response to climate change;

(iii)      Better Futures Australia is inviting all Australians, including local governments, to join a growing community of climate champions in advocating for a national response that will reach zero emissions by 2050 or sooner;

(iv)      Better Futures Australia have invited local governments around the country, including the City of Sydney, to become a signatory to the call for Australia to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The declaration currently has 61 signatories including the City of Adelaide, Moreland City Council and the Town of Gawler;

(v)       the City of Sydney is far advanced in our commitment to climate action, and we are leading by example when it comes to our ambitious and bold net zero goal by 2035; and

(vi)      this commitment and action puts the City of Sydney in a good position to show other local governments and businesses that climate action can be delivered from the bottom up to support the delivery of the Paris Agreement; and

(B)      the Lord Mayor be requested to sign on to the Better Futures Australia Declaration for net zero emissions by 2050 on behalf of the City of Sydney, to encourage other governments across Australia to follow suit.

Carried unanimously.
