Parking - Parallel Parking - Power Avenue, Alexandria

16/09/2021 - Parking - Parallel Parking - Power Avenue, Alexandria



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the removal of 60-degree angle parking and installation of parallel parking on the southern side of Power Avenue between Wyndham Street and Brennan Street, Alexandria.

Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – South Sydney PAC



Representative for the Member for Heffron





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


In April 2018, the City consulted the community on the Alexandria Local Area Traffic Management Plan, which recommended several traffic calming treatments to mitigate the impacts of WestConnex on local roads.

Traffic treatments were subsequently installed on Power Avenue at Wyndham Street, Alexandria with footpath widenings and a continuous footpath treatment at the intersection. Angle Parking was also installed along Power Avenue to narrow the road and slow down traffic.

Additionally, road closures were installed in Loveridge Street and Brennan Street at McEvoy Street. Consequent to the installation of the road closures, all vehicle access to Loveridge Street, Brennan Street and Park Road are now via Power Avenue only.

However, buses and trucks are having difficulty passing along Power Avenue, especially near Wyndham Street, because of the angle parking and in some instants need to reverse to allow vehicles to pass.