Temporary Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer - Parking Permits

16/08/2021 - Temporary Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer - Parking Permits

Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer

To Council:

The Covid-19 pandemic and current lockdowns across Greater Sydney continue to require an alternative approach to enable the delivery of some services to our community.

Recently it has come to the attention of staff that Service NSW service centres are currently only open for 'essential services', which have been defined by Service NSW as transactions that:

·                are required within the next four weeks, and

·                have financial implications if they’re not completed, or

·                are required to support ongoing employment, or

·                have legal implications if they are not completed, and

·                can only be completed by Service NSW.

The community is otherwise advised to stay at home and delay their transactions if they can't be done over the phone.

Service NSW is not currently allowing change of address transactions to be undertaken over the phone. This is impacting the ability to issue residential parking permits in accordance with the provisions of the Neighbourhood Parking Policy, with some applicants unable to demonstrate that their vehicle is registered in their name and at their current address, as is required by section 8.2a) of that policy.

In order for Council to maintain service to the community at this time, it is recommended that temporary changes be made to the evidence that Council will accept for applicants that are unable to meet the evidence requirements in the Policy due to Service NSW temporary service closures.

To facilitate this outcome, it is recommended that a temporary delegation (until 31 March 2022) be granted to the Chief Executive Officer to enable her to make temporary changes to the evidence that Council will accept for the issue of parking permits for affected applicants.


Chief Executive Officer


Attachment A.           Temporary Delegation 15G - Delegations to the Chief Executive Officer

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Vithoulkas –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)      note that the Neighbourhood Parking Policy states that the applicant’s vehicle must be registered in the applicant's name at the applicant’s address and in order to change an address, this transaction needs to be done in person at Service NSW and they are currently closed for in person visits of this nature; and

(B)      temporarily amend the Instrument of Delegations to the Chief Executive Officer dated 14 December 2020 to enable the Chief Executive Officer to make temporary changes to the Neighbourhood Parking Policy in relation to the evidence that will be acceptable to enable the issue of parking permits until 31 March 2022, unless revoked earlier.

Carried unanimously.
