Works Zone Fees

18/10/2021 - Works Zone Fees

Moved by Councillor Thalis, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         on-street Works Zones are provided to assist in the safe operation of construction activity where loading/unloading activities cannot be accommodated within the development site;

(ii)        a Construction Traffic Management Plan must accompany a Works Zone application;

(iii)      if a Works Zone application is supported by staff, it is then presented to the Local Pedestrian Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee for recommendation, and then approved by Council or staff under delegated authority;

(iv)      the City's fees and charges are determined each year by Council. The following fees are payable for a Works Zone application for the use of the public domain:

(a)       between $88-142 per lineal metre per week (outside the core area);

(b)       between $137-203 per lineal metre per week (inside the core area);

(c)       non-refundable application fee; and

(d)       security deposit between $13,380-$27,740;

(v)       fees and charges collected are required to continue providing community services and facilities;

(vi)      the City accepts applications for the temporary use of the public domain for construction activity via a Temporary Works Application at a much lower cost than a Works Zone;

(vii)     according to the City's Schedule of Fees and Charges 2021/22, the Core Area includes all streets within the area bounded by Alfred Street, Macquarie Street then Elizabeth Street to Eddy Avenue, Broadway and Wattle Street, plus Kings Cross; and

(viii)    the Core Area does not distinguish between type of development, only location. This can add an unreasonable cost to small applicants (for example an owner undertaking renovation works on a terrace or small shop in Ultimo and Pyrmont); and


(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to investigate the definition of what is considered part of the Core Area for the purposes of Works Zone applications and report back via the CEO Update. This may involve the removal of blocks currently within the Core Area where terrace houses predominate, however, may also include blocks currently outside the Core Area where large redevelopment is occurring and/or a review of the fees and charges for Works Zones to determine if they could be more consistent across the Local Government Area. The review and any proposed changes should align with budget processes from 2022/23 onwards.

Carried unanimously.
