2021/22 Quarter 1 Review - Delivery Program 2017-2021

15/11/2021 - 2021/22 Quarter 1 Review - Delivery Program 2017-2021

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note the financial performance of Council for the first quarter, ending 30 September 2021, including a Quarter 1 Net Deficit of $6.4M and the full year Net Surplus forecast of $1.4M, as outlined in the subject report and summarised in Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)      Council note the Quarter 1 Capital Works expenditure of $33.8M and a revised full year forecast of $212.8M, and approve the proposed adjustments to the adopted budget, including bringing forward $3.8M of funds into 2021/22 capital budget and $1.0M from the capital works contingency as detailed in Attachment B to the subject report;

(C)      Council note the Information Services capital expenditure of $4.4M, net of disposals, and a full year forecast of $23.6M and approve the proposed adjustments to the adopted budget, including bringing forward $0.6M of funds into 2021/22 capital budget and transfer of $0.04M from the capital works contingency, as detailed in Attachment B to the subject report;

(D)      Council note the Quarter 1 Plant and Assets expenditure of $1.4M, net of disposals, and a revised full year forecast of $14.0M and approve an additional $1.3M of funds from capital works contingency for the purchase of light vehicles;

(E)      Council note the Quarter 1 Property Divestment of $19.3M, and the full year forecast net Property Acquisitions of $131.9M;

(F)      Council note the supplementary reports, including contracts issued over $50,000, major legal issues and the Quick Response, Banner Pole and Reduced Rate Grant Programs in Quarter 1, as detailed in Attachment C to the subject report;

(G)      Council note the first quarter Community Recovery Plan report, as shown at Attachment D to the subject report;

(H)      Council approve additional donations of:

(i)         up to $100,000 to OzHarvest Limited;

(ii)        up to $100,000 to Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited; and

(iii)      up to $50,000 for SecondBite;

to support vulnerable communities for the period up to 31 January 2022 upon demonstration of community need;

(I)        Council approve funding of up to $100,000 to enable a continuation of the  Community Emergency Quick Response Grants for not for profit entities to ensure support for community services to address demonstrated urgent needs for the period up to 31 January 2022;

(J)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to allocate and donate the funds in (H) and (I), and to enter into any related agreements, upon being satisfied that there is a demonstrated community need, and to report back on grants awarded by way of CEO Update; and


(K)      Council approve an increase of $45.0M to the CEO Contingency to offset forecast revenue shortfalls, which will decrease the budgeted Operating Surplus from $110.0M to $65.0M, and also increase the Capital Works Contingency from $8.0M to $13.0M.

Carried unanimously.
