Development Application: 21 Collins Street, Alexandria - D/2020/1171

15/12/2021 - Development Application: 21 Collins Street, Alexandria - D/2020/1171

The Panel:

(A)       delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to determine Development Application No. D/2020/1171, after the completion of the public exhibition period of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and consideration of any public submissions received;

(B)       delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to determine whether the Design Excellence Strategy for 21 Collins Street, Alexandria, prepared by Urbis on behalf of Jaimee Alex Pty Ltd (Attachment D), be approved pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 and Section 1.2 of the City of Sydney Competitive Design Policy; and

(C)       requested that if the Chief Executive Officer determines to approve the application, consideration be given pursuant to Section 4.16(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to granting a deferred commencement consent to Development Application No. D/2020/1171, subject to the conditions set out in Attachment A to the subject report to the Local Planning Panel on 15 December 2021, subject to the following amendments (additions shown in bold italics, deletions shown in strikethrough):


The competitive design process brief and subsequent detailed design development application must incorporate the following requirements:

(a)        Minimise overshadowing on adjoining properties in accordance with Apartment Design Guide (ADG) objective 3B-2.

(b)        Maximise natural ventilation and natural cross ventilation, in accordance with ADG objective 4B and with reference to documents entitled ‘Acoustic Design Guidance for Natural Ventilation’ and ‘Letter in response to Council Queries’, prepared by Acoustic Logic and dated 9 August 2021 (Trim: 2021/379619-03 and 2021/379619-06).

(c)        Provide a compliant amount of communal open space, including at the roof level of building 1, in accordance with the ADG that receives adequate solar access, in accordance with the ADG. 

(d)        A minimum 6m wide deep soil zone is to be provided on the northern boundary where the site adjoins 36 O’Riordan Street. Architectural and landscape plans shall fully dimension and quantify (in sqm) the deep soil zones.

(e)        Consistency in relation to flood issues and floor levels, as per flood risk assessment reports, lodged with the Stage 1 Concept application (trim: 2020/498946, 2020/498947 and 2020/498948).

(f)         Consistency in relation to site contamination with the Remediation Action Plan prepared by EI Australia dated 6th September 2021, referenced E23754_Rev 6, Council ref: 2021/402161-01 and Interim advice 04: review of Remedial Action Plan – 21 Collins street Alexandria, NSW (EI Australia, August 2021) by Rod Harwood, NSW EPA Accredited Contaminated Sites Auditor (Accreditation No. 03-04) dated 9th September 2021, Council Ref: 2021/402161-02.

(g)        If roof top communal open space is proposed it must provide equitable access, be designed to prevent overlooking and noise impacts and all structures (including but not limited to plant and lift overruns) must be within the 15m height limit.

(h)        Generous residential lobbies and a clear street address for both buildings, facing O’Riordan Street and Collins Street.

(i)          Salvage and re-use of existing building fabric to retain interpretive heritage elements and for use in landscaped areas, with remaining ‘heritage’ material to be or disposed of to a materials recycler/dealer. 

(j)          Protection of all existing street trees, including their canopy spread over the site. Amended survey drawings that show full canopy spread of existing street trees are required, as well as an Amended Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report detailing impacts of the development to existing street trees.

(k)        Retention of the existing retaining wall at the Collins Street boundary, unless removal is substantiated through extensive exploratory root investigations and a work methodology that demonstrates tree roots and structures will not be affected.

(l)          Provision of individual residential entries for ground floor units facing William Lane.

(m)      Requiring the rear of apartment W-UG101 to be designated as non-habitable area.

(n)        Avoid using high performance tinting or glazing as a mid-summer sun control device, and use of external sun shading devices.

(o)        Mail rooms and letterboxes that do not rely on master key locks for security.

(p)        Waste management facilities in accordance with Section 4.2.6 of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012. Waste collection vehicles must be able to access waste collection areas within the basement from Collins Street, meeting the Design Requirements for collection vehicles in accordance with Guidelines for Waste Management in New Developments 2018. At least a 4m clearance height must be provided for a 9.25m truck, and swept path analysis must be provided.

(q)        A footpath weather protection awning, wrapping around the corner of the site and continuing along the O’Riordan Street frontage of the site.

(r)         Consider green roofs and combined PVC cells with green roof understorey for increased mitigation of heat island effect.

(s)        Adherence to the Preliminary Public Art Plan, dated September 2020 June 2021, prepared by UAP on behalf of Jamiee Alex Pty Ltd.

Reasons for Decision

The application was approved for the following reasons:

(A)       The proposed development is consistent with Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, in that, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions as recommended, it achieves the objectives of the planning controls for the site for the reasons outlined in the report to the Local Planning Panel.

(B)       The proposed development complies with the permitted height for the site under the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and has a height and form which is considered to be generally suitable for the condition of the site and its context.

(C)       The proposed building envelopes are capable of accommodating future buildings that can exhibit design excellence in accordance with Clause 6.21 of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(D)       The proposed envelopes are capable of being consistent with the provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy No 65—Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development and the Apartment Design Guide in that, subject to the recommended conditions it will provide building envelopes which are capable of accommodating future buildings which can achieve high amenity for future residents with regard to communal open space, solar access, natural ventilation, private open space, building separation and privacy.

(E)       The public interest is served by the approval of the proposal, as amendments to the development application have addressed the matters raised by the City's assessing officers, subject to recommended conditions imposed.

(F)       Condition 8 was amended to refer to the updated Stage 1 Preliminary Public Art Plan.

Carried unanimously.
