Part Closure and Sale - Jones Street, Pyrmont

15/11/2021 - Part Closure and Sale - Jones Street, Pyrmont

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note that the City has entered into agreements with Landream (Pyrmont) Pty Limited (Landream) for the acquisition and redevelopment of the City owned land at 14-26 Wattle Street, Pyrmont including the transfer to Council of freehold stratums comprising community facilities to be delivered by Landream.

(B)      Council note that as a condition of the Stage 1 Development Consent a Voluntary Planning Agreement has been entered into based on the public benefit offer from Landream to acquire part of the Jones Street Road Reserve and combined with part of 14-26 Wattle Street deliver a new Jones Street footpath along the frontage to the future development.

(C)      Council endorse the closure of that part of Jones Street required to form the new footpath, and subject to survey, the sale and transfer of the land to Landream (Pyrmont) Pty Limited for the price set out in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report, subject to the conditions of the executed Voluntary Planning Agreement to be registered on the title of 14-26 Wattle Street, Pyrmont.

(D)      Council note that an easement and covenant for public access and maintenance will be granted to the City by Landream as a condition of the Voluntary Planning Agreement;

(E)      Council note a closure of road under section 38 of the Roads Act 1993 classifies the land operational land as defined in the Local Government Act 1993; and

(F)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to complete the road closure, sale and transfer of part of the Jones Street Road Reserve, including entering into documentation to progress the subdivision and transfer of the land consistent with the terms and conditions of the Voluntary Planning Agreement, and entering into all necessary documentation to complete the sale.

Carried unanimously.
