Oxford Street Planning Proposal Cultural and Creative Precinct

15/11/2021 - Oxford Street Planning Proposal Cultural and Creative Precinct

Moved by Councillor Vithoulkas, seconded by Councillor Thalis -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         on 17 May 2021 Council endorsed the Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal Oxford Street Creative and Cultural Precinct - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Draft Sydney Development Control Plan 2012;

(ii)        the Public Exhibition period closed on 5 November 2021;

(iii)      a Petition was tabled at Council today that:

(a)       contains 342 signatures;

(b)       was signed by local City of Sydney residents, members of the local creative and LGBTQI community, the local small business community, the Paddington/Darlinghurst community and friends of Oxford Street; and

(c)       demonstrates the community of signatories are united in their support of the aims of a Cultural and Creative Precinct for Oxford Street, but have concerns for impacts of proposed LEP controls on Heritage, the economic viability of small business, the proportion and the affordability of creative space;

(iv)      the Petition states the concerns of the community, their objections and preferred outcomes regarding the Planning Proposal, including:

(a)       the request to insert "Heritage" in reference to the "Oxford Street Heritage, Culture and Creative Precinct";

(b)       defending and protecting the Heritage character of Oxford Street and its listed buildings with a heritage conservation strategy for the Precinct;

(c)       opposing the LEP controls that significantly increase planning control heights;

(d)       the request to delay ratification of the Draft Proposal for a Cultural and Creative Precinct to enable a revised planning and design approach following a robust, fair and transparent Community Consultation process;

(e)       the request to review the Draft Local Environment Plan controls and to revise the +10m formula and diminish the height of proposed additions by one storey depending on development context;

(f)        to exempt Heritage-listed buildings, and those recommended for listing as heritage items by the Heritage Study, from additions under the Alternative controls;

(g)       to support the incentive for heritage conservation with direct grants;

(h)       to bring the Heritage provisions of the Draft Development Control Plan (DCP) into line with 2006 Heritage DCP;

(i)        to review the proportion of Creative Space from 10 per cent to 50 per cent in order to qualify for additions under the Alternative controls; and

(j)        to increase the incentive for provisions of Creative Space with Rate Subsidies including affordable combined studio/living spaces for artists; and

(v)       a copy of a submission was tabled today in Council that:

(a)       was submitted during the Public Exhibition Planning Proposal Oxford Street Creative and Cultural Precinct - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Draft Sydney Development Control Plan 2012; and

(b)       was signed by 65 members of the creative community in support of creative space and in defence of the Heritage of Oxford Street; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         take into account the petition and matters above as part of the public consultation process currently under way for this planning proposal; and

(ii)        provide an update to Councillors on the timing and progress of the consultation process via the CEO Update by 26 November 2021.

Carried unanimously.
