Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee - Nomination of Alternate Member

21/02/2022 - Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee - Nomination of Alternate Member

Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer

To Council:

In 2012, the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee (CSTTC) was established following amendments to the City of Sydney Act 1988.

The primary function of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee is to coordinate transport policy and major transport related works between the City of Sydney and the NSW Government.

The Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee is comprised of seven members:

·                the Secretary of the Department of Transport (Chair);

·                three persons nominated by the City of Sydney and appointed by the Minister; and

·                three persons representing the NSW Government and appointed by the Minister.

The current members of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee nominated by the City of Sydney are:

·                Lord Mayor Clover Moore (alternate member Councillor Philip Thalis);

·                Graham Jahn, Director City Planning, Development and Transport (alternate member Andrew Thomas, Executive Manager, Planning and Development); and

·                Sebastian Smyth, Executive Manager, City Access and Transport (alternate member Andrew Aspden, Manager Transport Planning).

The term of office of Councillor Thalis concluded on Friday, 3 December 2021. Therefore, in accordance with section 51G (b) and Schedule 2 of the City of Sydney Act 1988, approval of Council is requested for the following:

·                revocation of the current nomination of Councillor Philip Thalis as the alternate member of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee for the Lord Mayor Clover Moore; and

·                the nomination of a new Councillor as the alternate member for the Lord Mayor Clover Moore.


It is resolved that:

(A)      the nomination of Councillor Philip Thalis as an alternate member for the Lord Mayor Clover Moore of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee be revoked; and

(B)      Council nominate Councillor …………………..…. to the position of alternate member of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee for the Lord Mayor Clover Moore.


Chief Executive Officer

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scully –

It is resolved that:

(A)      the nomination of Councillor Philip Thalis as an alternate member for the Lord Mayor Clover Moore of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee be revoked; and

(B)      Council nominate Councillor HY William Chan to the position of alternate member of the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee for the Lord Mayor Clover Moore.

Carried unanimously.
