Submission - Changes to NSW Infrastructure Contributions

21/02/2022 - Submission - Changes to NSW Infrastructure Contributions

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Chan –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)      endorse the City submission detailed at Attachment A to the subject report, on the NSW Government's changes to the infrastructure contributions system to be sent to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal; and

(B)      approve up to $80,000 from the 2021/22 General Contingency Fund to produce and distribute a further community flyer, advertisement, online advertising or undertake other community engagement activities in order to notify the community of this matter and its impact on the City of Sydney.

The motion was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (8)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Ellsmore, Gannon, Kok, Scott and Scully

Noes (2)          Councillors Jarrett and Weldon.

Motion carried.
