Council Representation on Internal Committees, Advisory Panels and Working Groups

21/02/2022 - Council Representation on Internal Committees, Advisory Panels and Working Groups

Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer

To Council:

Council has established a number of internal committees, advisory panels and a working group with Council appointed Councillor representatives that provide advice on the policies and operations of the City of Sydney across various subject areas. Given the need for urgent recovery action in many areas of our community and the ongoing work needed for development and implementation of the City’s strategies it is recommended that Council revise the current advisory panels and establish some new panels and a working group to assist with high priority actions.

It is recommended that Council

·         endorse the establishment of a Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel;

·         endorse the establishment of a Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel;

·         endorse the establishment of a Housing For All Working Group;

·         endorse the establishment of a Multicultural Advisory Panel; and

·         appoint Councillor representatives to the various new and established internal committees, advisory panels and working group.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel was established by Council in June 2008. The purpose of the panel is to provide advice on the policies and operations of the City of Sydney in relation to matters of importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including:

           Advising Council on the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the City of Sydney’s Local Government Area.

           Advising Council on the development and implementation of Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050, the City of Sydney’s Reconciliation Action Plan and other relevant plans as they are adopted by Council.

           Promoting an increased knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and society in the wider community and representing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the local area.

           Advising Council on programming of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events.

           Providing input to policy development, planning and advice to Council across all areas where there is likely to be an impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including economic development, Indigenous employment and Aboriginal business development.

           Actively promoting and facilitating reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples and Council.

Membership of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel will consist of up to 17 members including the Lord Mayor (or delegate) and one City of Sydney Councillor.

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee plays an important role in the City’s governance framework. It provides Council with independent oversight and monitoring of the City’s audit, compliance and risk processes and its other internal control activities.

The Committee reports to Council through the Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee.

The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee has operated for several years as an integral part of the City’s corporate governance framework. The primary objectives of the Committee are to:

           assist the Council in discharging their responsibilities relating to: financial reporting practices, business ethics, policies and practices, accounting policies, risk management and internal controls, compliance with laws, regulations, standards and best practice guidelines; and

           ensure the integrity of the internal audit function.

The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee operates under the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Charter, which is endorsed by the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee annually.

Committee membership consist of:

           the Lord Mayor (or delegate)

           one Councillor

           three independent external members (with an independent external member to be the chairperson).

Following recent amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 to mandate Audit, Risk and Improvement Committees for all councils, new regulations and mandatory guidelines are currently being developed by the Office of Local Government. Following finalisation of those framework documents the City will review and update the Audit Risk and Compliance Committee charter and report back to Council as required.

Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel

It is proposed that a Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel be established.

The primary role of the Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel is to provide high-level independent expert advice to the City on:

·         Economic development activities and advocacy required to support the recovery of the City’s businesses and economy affected by the pandemic, including the retail and hospitality sectors as well as the return of workers to the CBD.

·         The development of the 24 hour economy in partnership with the NSW Government.

·         Strategies for the City to support a range of economic areas such as trade and investment attraction, talent attraction, the innovation economy, green economy, sustainable finance, equitable economy and the visitor economy.

·         The development and implementation of the Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 vision and future economic strategies.

The strategy will set the pathway for the City’s contribution over the medium term to sustainable recovery of the City of Sydney local economy, particularly the Sydney CBD - NSW’s most significant, but heavily impacted, economic centre in a post Covid-19 environment.

The membership of the Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel will include a broad range of members who are highly recognised in relevant professional fields and who have demonstrated experience and seniority (CEO or equivalent).

This panel will provide an opportunity for the City to proactively seek expert advice from representatives of groups who are key to real and sustained economic recovery.

It is proposed that membership will consist of up to 10 members including the Lord Mayor (or delegate) and one City of Sydney Councillor.

Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel

It is proposed that a Creative and Cultural Sector Recovery Advisory Panel be established (formerly the Nightlife and Creative Sector Advisory Panel).

The Panel will provide advice on issues affecting the cultural and creative sector as it recovers from the ongoing devastating impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. This will include advising on how cultural and creative sector can contribute to the revitalisation of Sydney’s nightlife. It will help set the pathway for the City’s contribution over the medium term to sustainable recovery of the City’s creative and cultural life.

An important role of the Cultural and Creative Sector Panel is to provide high-level independent expert advice to the City on the development and implementation of the Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 and the City of Sydney Cultural and Creative Policy and Strategy.

The membership of the Cultural and Creative Sector Panel will include a broad range of members who are highly recognised in relevant professional fields and who have demonstrated experience, and knowledge in the arts, culture and creativity and their contribution to City living. Such people may include practitioners, business owners and people with related specialist expertise.

It is proposed that membership will consist of up to 10 members including the Lord Mayor (or delegate) and one City of Sydney Councillor.

Cycling Advisory Committee

In April 2007, Council resolved to establish a Cycling Advisory Committee.

The Committee’s role is to monitor progress on implementation of the Cycling Strategy and Action Plan and provide advice on issues associated with implementation of the Cycling Strategy and Action Plan. The Cycling Advisory Committee provides a consultation and feedback forum for the City’s key cycling stakeholders as part of Council’s ongoing commitment to cycling.

The forum also provides a means for City staff to provide regular progress reports on the implementation of the City’s Cycle Strategy and Action Plan.

The Committee comprises the Lord Mayor (or delegate), one City of Sydney Councillor and representatives of Bicycle NSW, Bike East, Bike Sydney, Transport for NSW and other external bodies.

Housing for All Working Group

It is proposed that a Housing for All Working Group be established.

The primary role of the Housing for All Working Group is to bring together industry leaders and experts to share knowledge and provide strategic, expert advice and guidance to the City of Sydney (the City) on the development of agreed strategies and initiatives to increase the supply of affordable and diverse housing (including social housing) within the City of Sydney Local Government Area.

The membership of the working group will include a broad range of stakeholders and organisations active within the affordable and diverse housing sector and peak bodies and agencies that represent the interests of the Sydney’s diverse communities.

It is proposed that membership will consist of up to nine members including the Lord Mayor (or delegate) and one City of Sydney Councillor.

Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel

The Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel was established by Council in November 2012 to provide expert advice to the City on inclusion and access for people with disability.

The objective of the Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel, is to provide strategic, expert and impartial advice to the City on the development, implementation, monitoring and review of the City’s policies, strategies and plans to advance the inclusion of people with disability.

Membership will consist of up to 12 members that live, work or study in the City of Sydney local government area and have experience of living with or caring for a person with disability and/ or demonstrate knowledge or experience in providing independent and strategic advice on disability access and inclusion issues, plus the Lord Mayor (or delegate) and one City of Sydney Councillor as a representative of Council.

The City will endeavour to achieve as broad a representation as possible amongst panel members, with the aim of ensuring, as far as is possible, that a diverse range of disability issues is represented. At least 50 per cent of the Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel membership will be constituted by members who have a direct experience of disability whether personally or through a caring and support role.

Multicultural Advisory Panel

It is proposed that a Multicultural Advisory Panel be established.

The Multicultural Advisory Panel will provide advice on policies and operations of the City of Sydney in relation to matters of importance to culturally diverse communities, including:

           Advising Council on the needs of diverse and multicultural people living in the City of Sydney’s Local Government Area.

           Advising Council on the development and implementation of Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 and other relevant plans as they are adopted by Council, including supporting the delivery of the City’s community engagement plan and strategy.

           Promoting an increased knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures and society in the wider community and facilitating partnerships that nurture cultural diversity, capacity building, and increased community connections.

           Advising Council on programming of multicultural events.

           Providing input to policy development, planning and advice to Council across all areas where there is likely to be an impact on multicultural communities, including multicultural businesses and economic development.

           Advocate on behalf of culturally diverse communities, including strategies to combat racism and discrimination, and promoting greater understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism.

It is proposed that membership will consist of up to 10 members including the Lord Mayor (or delegate) and one City of Sydney Councillor.

City Advisory Panels

Council has also established a number of Advisory Panels comprising of relevant expert members such as the Design Advisory Panel, the Design Advisory Panel Residential Sub-Committee and the Public Art Advisory Panel.

Advisory Panel member terms vary in length. Generally, terms are between two to four years. Member appointments are reliant on the availability of required skills and expertise. Further reports will be brought to Council seeking endorsement of the appointment of Advisory Panel members where required.


It is resolved that:

(A)      Council endorse the establishment of the Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel;

(B)      Council endorse the establishment of the Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel;

(C)      Council endorse the establishment of the Housing for All Working Group;

(D)      Council endorse the establishment of the Multicultural Advisory Panel;

(E)      Council note the termination of Nightlife and Creative Sector Advisory Panel as it is replaced by the Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel;

(F)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to prepare Terms of Reference for the Advisory Panels and Working Groups detailed in (A) to (D) above and provide to Council via the CEO Update;

(G)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to review the Terms of Reference for established Internal Committees, Advisory Panels and Working Groups and if amendments are recommended provide to Council for consideration;

(H)      Council appoint the following Councillors as Council’s representatives on the Internal Committees, Advisory Panels and Working Groups listed below:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel

(i)         Councillor………………….

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

(ii)        Councillor …………………

Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel

(iii)      Councillor …………………

Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel

(iv)      Councillor………………….

Cycling Advisory Committee

(v)       Councillor …………………

Housing for All Working Group

(vi)      Councillor …………………

Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel

(vii)     Councillor …………………

Multicultural Advisory Panel

(viii)    Councillor………………….


Chief Executive Officer

At the meeting of Council, this recommendation was moved and voted on in seriatum, as follows –

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scully –

(A)      Council endorse the establishment of the Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel;

(B)      Council endorse the establishment of the Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel;

(C)      Council endorse the establishment of the Housing for All Working Group;

(D)      Council endorse the establishment of the Multicultural Advisory Panel;

(E)      Council note the termination of Nightlife and Creative Sector Advisory Panel as it is replaced by the Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel;

(F)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to prepare Terms of Reference for the Advisory Panels and Working Groups detailed in (A) to (D) above and provide to Council via the CEO Update; and

(G)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to review the Terms of Reference for established Internal Committees, Advisory Panels and Working Groups and if amendments are recommended provide to Council for consideration.

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scully –

(H)      Council appoint the following Councillors as Council’s representatives on the Internal Committees, Advisory Panels and Working Groups listed below:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel

(i)         Councillor Yvonne Weldon

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Chan –

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

(ii)        Councillor Jess Scully

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Chan –

Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel

(ii)        Councillor Shauna Jarrett

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok –

Cultural and Creative Sector Recovery Advisory Panel

(iii)      Councillor HY William Chan

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scully –

Cycling Advisory Committee

(iv)      Councillor HY William Chan

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scully –

Housing for All Working Group

(v)       Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok –

Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel

(vi)      Councillor Linda Scott

Carried unanimously.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Davis –

Multicultural Advisory Panel

(vii)     Councillor Robert Kok

Carried unanimously.
