City of Sydney Advisory Panels and Working Groups

21/03/2022 - City of Sydney Advisory Panels and Working Groups

Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer

To Council:

Council has established a number of internal committees, advisory panels and a working group with Council appointed Councillor representatives that provide advice on the policies and operations of the City of Sydney across various subject areas.

On 21 February 2022, Council resolved to establish a number of new advisory panels, committees and a working group in addition to existing advisory panels, each with Council appointed Councillor representatives. The Lord Mayor (or delegate) is also a member of these panels, committees and working groups.

Feedback from Councillors was subsequently sought on draft and amended Terms of Reference.

A call for nominations to the newly established Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel, Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel, Multicultural Advisory Panel and Housing for All Working Group will be open for applications for two weeks from Friday, 18 March 2022. The call for nominations will be advertised in the Australian Financial Review, Sydney Morning Herald, Koori Mail, ArtsHub and on the City’s online channels.

This memorandum recommends that Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the relevant advisory panels and working group.

This memorandum also recommends that Council endorse the extension of some existing advisory panel member terms to 30 June 2022 (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel, Design Advisory Panel, Design Advisory Panel Residential Sub-Committee and Public Art Advisory Panel) and endorse the appointment and reappointment of members to the Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel

In June 2008, Council resolved to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel. The panel's purpose is to provide advice on the policies and operations of the City of Sydney in relation to matters of importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

The Panel operates under Terms of Reference which provide for appointments for three years, with up to two consecutive appointments allowed. The term of the current Panel expires on 31 March 2022.

Amendments to the Terms of Reference are recommended to incorporate Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander representatives to the Panel with expertise in reconciliation action, Indigenous employment, Indigenous procurement, Aboriginal business development and public art.

It is recommended that the term of the current Panel members be extended to 30 June 2022. This will enable an Expression of Interest process to be conducted for a new Panel term, incorporating the proposed updated membership of the Panel.

Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel

The Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel was established by Council in February 2022.

The primary role of the Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel (the advisory panel) is to provide high-level independent expert advice to the City of Sydney (the City) on the implementation of the City of Sydney Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 vision through the actions of the City of Sydney Economic Strategy 2022.

This Panel will provide an opportunity for the City of Sydney to proactively seek expert advice from representatives who are key to real and sustained economic recovery.

It is recommended that Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel.

Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel

The Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel was established by Council in February 2022.

The purpose of the Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel will be to provide strategic advice on making space for culture and focus on addressing the loss of creative employment floor space in Sydney which is a critical issue that has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

The Panel will help set the pathway for the City’s contribution over the medium term to cultural infrastructure programs and sustainable recovery of the City’s creative and cultural life.

It is recommended that Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel.

Design Advisory Panel

The Design Advisory Panel has been established to provide the City with high level independent expert advice and expertise on urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, art and sustainability. The advice is to inform the assessment by City officers of development applications with a view to promoting the delivery of world class urban design, architecture and sustainable and inclusive design in Sydney’s buildings and public spaces. The advice is to inform the assessment process and advise on strategies and policies affecting the City’s built environment and public domain. It is not the purpose of the Panel to have any role in the process of determination of development applications.

The Panel operates under Terms of Reference which provide that the Advisory Panel consists of at least three and not more than 10 permanent members. Permanent members are engaged for an initial term of two years and reviewed subsequently every two years. Member terms expire on 31 March 2022.

It is recommended that the term of current Panel members be extended to 30 June 2022. This will enable a review of current membership and terms of reference as well as continuity with projects underway.

Design Advisory Panel Residential Sub-Committee

The City has established a Residential Sub-Committee to the existing Design Advisory Panel, to provide high level independent expert advice and expertise on urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and sustainability for SEPP 65 and similar residential applications. This advice assists the City in its promotion and delivery of high-quality built environments and design excellence. The Sub-Committee supports and supplements the Design Advisory Panel, with the Panel Chair being a member of the Design Advisory Panel.

Design Advisory Panel Residential Sub-Committee member terms expire on 31 March 2022. To align with Design Advisory Panel members, it is recommended that the term of Residential Sub-Committee members also be extended to 30 June 2022.

Housing for All Working Group

The Housing for All Working Group was established by Council in February 2022.

The primary role of the Housing for All Working Group (the working group) is to bring together industry leaders and experts to share knowledge and provide strategic, expert advice and guidance to the City of Sydney (the City) on the development of agreed strategies and initiatives to increase the supply of affordable and diverse housing (including social housing) within the City of Sydney Local Government Area.

It is recommended that Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Housing for All Working Group.

Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel

The Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel was established by Council in November 2012 to provide strategic, expert and impartial advice on the development, implementation, monitoring and review of the City’s policies, strategies and plans to advance the inclusion of people with disability.

The Panel operates under Terms of Reference which provide for member appointments for three years, with up to two consecutive appointments allowed. Current member terms expire on 31 March 2022.

The current Panel is comprised of nine members, five members that have served a six-year term (2016-2021) and four members that have served a four-year term (2018-2021).

The City would like to acknowledge the contribution and commitment of the departing Panel members: Dr Phillippa Carnemolla, Judy Harwood, Julie Millard, Mark Tonga and Morwenna Collett.

The recommended Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel comprises 12 people, all with diverse lived experience of disability and/or mental health conditions. The recommended Panel includes people from various age groups including a young person, people of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, a First Nations person and people of diverse genders and sexualities.

New members have a high level of expertise in key areas such as government policy and strategy development, planning and design, disability related legislation, access to mental health services, reform, housing, transport, employment, advocacy, arts, culture and events, media and communication.

Multicultural Advisory Panel

The Multicultural Advisory Panel was established by Council in February 2022.

The Primary role of the Multicultural Advisory Panel is to provide advice on policies and operations of the City of Sydney in relation to matters of importance to culturally diverse communities.

It is recommended that Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Multicultural Advisory Panel.

Public Art Advisory Panel

The Public Art Advisory Panel has been established to provide the City of Sydney with independent expert advice on public art.

The Panel operates under Terms of Reference which provide that the Advisory Panel consists of at least five and not more than nine permanent members. Permanent members are engaged for an initial term of two years and reviewed subsequently every two years. Member terms expire on 31 March 2022.

It is recommended that the term of current Panel members be extended to 30 June 2022. This will enable a review of current membership and terms of reference as well as continuity with projects underway.


Chief Executive Officer

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scully –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council endorse the amended Terms of Reference - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel as shown at Attachment A to the subject memorandum, subject to the amendment of the Terms of Reference to include a nominee of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, in accordance with the Principles of Cooperation between the City of Sydney Council and Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council;

(B)        Council endorse the extension of the following members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel: Timothy Gray, Bronwyn Penrith, Sara Hamilton, Matthew Doyle, Jinny-Jane Smith, Dallas Wellington, Ashlee Donohue, Medika Thorpe, Suzy Evans, Beau James, Daniel Coe and Ryan Donohue-Pitt to 30 June 2022;

(C)       Council endorse the draft Terms of Reference - Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel as shown at Attachment B to the subject memorandum;

(D)       Council endorse the draft Terms of Reference - Cultural and Creative Sector Advisory Panel as shown at Attachment C to the subject memorandum;

(E)        Council endorse the extension of the following members of the Design Advisory Panel: Ken Maher, Kerry Clare, Richard Johnson, Peter Mould, Abbie Galvin, James Weirick, Rachel Neeson and Che Wall to 30 June 2022;

(F)        Council endorse the extension of the following members of the Design Advisory Panel Residential Sub-Committee: Kerry Clare, Libby Gallagher, Matthew Pullinger, Michael Zanardo, Paul Berkemeier, Alexander Koll and Tony Caro to 30 June 2022;

(G)       Council endorse the draft Terms of Reference - Housing for All Working Group as shown at Attachment D to the subject memorandum;

(H)       Council endorse the reappointment of four current Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel members: Max Burt, Nidhi Shekaran, Sabrina Houssami and Tara Elliffe for a further two-year term to December 2023;

(I)          Council endorse the appointment of eight new members to the Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel: Charles Hung, Daniel McDonald, Giancarlo de Vera, Matthew Hall, Melinda Smith, Nanushka Tamtam, Paul Nunnari and Stephen Adei for an initial two-year term to December 2023, with the option of extending for a further three years to December 2026;

(J)         Council endorse the draft Terms of Reference - Multicultural Advisory Panel as shown at Attachment E to the subject memorandum;

(K)        Council endorse the extension of the following members of the Public Art Advisory Panel: Felicity Fenner, Leon Paroissen, Janet Laurence, Anne Loxley, Judith Blackall, Richard Johnson, Lisa Havilah and Tony Albert to 30 June 2022; and

(L)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make minor amendments to the above Terms of Reference if required, including clarification that the Housing for All Working Group’s purpose and objective include to advise the Council on affordable housing strategies, actions and opportunities.

The motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.
