Closing the Gap

21/03/2022 - Closing the Gap

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Weldon –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          the City of Sydney is keenly committed to Reconciliation and addressing the disproportionate disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;

(ii)         a National Agreement on Closing the Gap has been developed to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and governments to work together to overcome the inequality experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and achieve life outcomes equal to all Australians;

(iii)        the National Agreement requires each jurisdiction (state and territory) to have an implementation plan in place to Close the Gap by July 2021;

(iv)       the NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations (CAPO) and NSW Government have been developing a NSW Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap which is currently Cabinet-in-confidence and not publicly available;

(v)         CAPO have notified the City that they will conduct community consultations in our local area for our community to provide input into the NSW Government’s Closing the Gap Implementation Plan;

(vi)       councils across Australia are highly engaged in the priority reform areas and socio-economic targets referred to throughout the National Agreement on Closing the Gap including early childhood care and development; social and emotional wellbeing initiatives; housing, health, disability inclusion, social cohesion, inclusion and anti-racism initiatives; prevention of family and domestic violence and community infrastructures;

(vii)      local government engagement will be crucial to ensuring the success of Closing the Gap initiatives;

(viii)     all councils have a role to play and should develop their own strategies to close the gap;

(ix)       staff have met with staff from the NSW Government Department of Aboriginal Affairs who have advised that they will issue guidance to Local Government on their proposed aims and methodology for Closing the Gap Strategy;

(x)         the Closing the Gap Local Government Factsheet - Guidance for Local Councils is available on the Department’s website and includes suggested actions/prompts for meeting the targets of Closing the Gap’s five priority areas;

(xi)       on 27 July 2021 Council unanimously:

(a)        requested the Chief Executive Officer to seek advice and comment on the development of a Closing the Gap Strategy from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel; and

(b)        pending advice received from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel,  requested City staff consider a Closing the Gap Strategy which builds on and links to the existing City Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan, outlining how Council can contribute and is contributing to the priority reform areas and socioeconomic targets in the National Agreement for Closing the Gap as soon as practicable following appropriate community consultation with local Aboriginal stakeholders and organisations;

(xii)      NSW Aboriginal Affairs briefed the City’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel at their October 2021 meeting;

(xiii)     the action arising out of this briefing and subsequent discussion was “Further Closing the Gap consultation information will be provided to the Panel”;

(xiv)    draft priority reform areas and socioeconomic targets to Close the Gap that the Council is already taking, and will contribute in future, have been added to the City’s draft Community Strategic Plan: Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 to be considered by Council by June 2022; and

(xv)      the City will undertake a stocktake of partnerships between the City and Aboriginal community and stakeholders, and provide this to the Closing the Gap team at NSW Aboriginal Affairs by March; and

(B)        alongside the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel, the Chief Executive Officer be requested develop a Closing the Gap Strategy for Council endorsement as part of the City’s 2022 Community Strategic Plan to:

(i)          outline how Council can contribute and is contributing to the priority reform areas and socioeconomic targets in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap;

(ii)         consult on the Closing the Gap actions that will form part of the Community Strategic Plan during the public exhibition period for the Community Strategic Plan;

(iii)        consult on the Closing the Gap actions that will form part of the Community Strategic Plan with local Aboriginal stakeholders and organisations; and

(iv)       continue to advocate to the NSW Government to allow the City to increase Indigenous employment and procurement, and include targets the City could meet if supported to by the NSW Government.

Carried unanimously.
