Special Rate Variation for 2022/23

11/04/2022 - Special Rate Variation for 2022/23

It is resolved that Council:

(A)      apply to the Minister for Local Government, through her delegate the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal, to vary its general rate income by a permanent special variation for 2022/23 of 2.5 per cent, as allowed under section 508(2) of the Local Government Act 1993;

(B)      note that a 2.5 per cent rate variation will generate a total of approximately $8 million in additional rate income each year, an additional $3.5 million (1.1 per cent) each year above the $4.5 million (1.4 per cent) increase already approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal;

(C)      note the special variation is required for the City to meet its obligations set for 2022/23, and in future years within the 2021/22 Integrated Planning and Reporting documents; and

(D)      has considered that the impact on ratepayers and the community, if the special variation is approved in 2022/23 and for future years, is reasonable.

Carried unanimously.
