Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Jarrett –
It is resolved that:
Pyrmont Community Centre has since 1993, consistent with Sustainable Sydney
2030 Direction 6 – Vibrant Local Communities and Economies, provided a diverse
range of community activities and services, including a library link,
children’s’ programs, including after-school care, a gym and two spaces for
hire, on the site the former Pyrmont Public school (a community facility since
1884). In the past two years the centre has provided essential support in the
COVID crisis;
continuing residential growth since the 1990s, the strong and increasing demand
for the existing programs and facilities at the centre has outgrown the centre
facilities and space, which was recognised by Council in September 2019 and
Council resolution in June 2020 to endorse a project scope and budget for the
Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade, which was further endorsed on 19 July 2021;
Project Scope noted the centre will continue to be operated by the City of
Sydney, under the community centre’s operating model supporting increased
community participation and providing improved community access, but at a risk
that not implementing the scope of works could result in failure to meet
community expectations;
of the works is due to commence in mid/late 2022 and be completed in early
2024, a period of some 70 weeks (approximately one year and five months);
for the upgrade has failed to address or provide for a satisfactory transition
which allows continuing provision of the existing community activities and
services during the construction period;
Friends of Pyrmont Centre and other users have since at least mid-2019, and
most recently in an email to Councillors dated 19 March 2022 (co-signed by 19
representatives of community groups), expressed their concerns about the need
to address the transition period during construction; and
Friends of Pyrmont Community Centre have undertaken the identification of
alternative spaces in the community that could be rented to enable all the
activities to be continued for the duration of the works, however whilst they
have considered crowd funding to raise the rent, storage and necessary
re-location costs the community needs the financial assistance of Council to
meet these expenses and to continue to provide community services during the
upgrade works;
further note:
fees and charges
income provides around 23.1 per cent of the City’s budgeted income from
Continuing Operations for 2021/2022;
Pyrmont Community
Centre provides the City with an annual revenue through gymnasium membership
fees and court and venue hire fees; and
if Pyrmont Community
Centre is temporarily closed for 70 weeks during its renovation, the City will
lose the revenue provided to it through the centre’s activities; and
(C) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) acknowledge that the members of Pyrmont Community Group have investigated and identified suitable temporary locations for Pyrmont Community Centre;
(ii) investigate leasing a space in Pyrmont which can accommodate all the activities and equipment that will not fit at Maybanke Recreation Centre and bring a recommendation to Council which includes an assessment of the financial implications;
(iii) provide appropriate support for the re-location of the community centre including assistance with obtaining a lease for the proposed location;
(iv) provide funding from the General Contingency Fund to relocate the Pyrmont Community Centre for the duration of the refurbishment and other funding if necessary for storage of furniture;
(v) provide any assistance needed to move the Pyrmont Community Centre to its new temporary location, including Council support staff;
(vi) ensure Council retain the Pyrmont Community Centre staff – both in the main centre and children’s services area;
(vii) assist in advertising the new temporary location of the Pyrmont Community Centre to the residents and community members of the Pyrmont area to ensure that they understand the change in location and are aware of the continuation of the operation of the centre in a new venue;
(viii) work with the community, including Friends of Pyrmont Community Centre and Pyrmont Cares, to enact these recommendations for the term of the closure of the Pyrmont Community Centre;
(ix) provide assurance to the Friends of Pyrmont Community that they will be able to return to the refurbished centre with a full range of activities at the completion of the works;
(x) ensure that community re-location/displacement plans are included in all future scope of works for all community centres upgrades; and
(xi) report back to Councillors via the 10 June 2022 CEO Update of the action taken to address the relocation of the Pyrmont Community Centre to its new temporary location, including the rental grant and assistance provided to assist in the upkeep and maintenance of the services and activities offered through the Pyrmont Community Centre.
A show of hands on the motion resulted in an equality of voting as follows –
Ayes (5) Councillors Ellsmore, Gannon, Jarrett, Scott and Weldon
Noes (5) The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Kok and Scully.
The Lord Mayor exercised her casting vote against the motion.
The motion was declared lost.