Report on Bus Stop and Street Furniture Roll Out

16/05/2022 - Report on Bus Stop and Street Furniture Roll Out

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Scott –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         that bus shelters make using public transport more pleasant and are relied on by many residents, particularly older people;

(ii)        that bus shelters provide cover from the elements and allow for timetabling information to be displayed;

(iii)      that the replacement street furniture has resulted in many residents being without bus shelters for an extensive period of time during an extreme wet weather;

(iv)      that many residents feel that the council has not communicated adequately about the destruction and installation of new bus shelters; and

(v)       that many residents and community organisations have written to councillors expressing their concerns; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         confirm the total number of bus stops in total marked for replacement, over 2021 and 2022, and their locations;

(ii)        confirm the key terms of the contracts to replace the bus stops;

(iii)      confirm how many of the new bus stops have been installed (as of 10 May 2022);

(iv)      confirm the number and location of the old bus stops that have been removed (as of 10 May 2022) and not yet replaced, and the timeframe for their replacement; 

(v)       confirm the number and location of the old bus stops that are scheduled for replacement but have not yet been removed, the timeframe for their proposed removal, and the timeframe for their replacement; 

(vi)      advise the Council as to how the community has been kept updated about the bus stop replacements, and what strategies are in place to advise residents, students, workers and visitors of further delays to replacement of the bus stops;

(vii)     advise the Council of what strategies were explored and implemented to mitigate the impact of the extended bus stop losses, particularly during wet weather; and

(viii)    confirm the expected life of the new bus shelters and if they are to be replaced during the existing contract with QMS, or the five-year extension option.

Carried unanimously.
