Green Square Trunk Drain - Updated Project Agreement with Sydney Water

31/10/2022 - Green Square Trunk Drain - Updated Project Agreement with Sydney Water

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note that the delivery of the eastern section (approximately 400 metres) of the project from Rose Valley Way to Link Road has been staged due to buildings at the time being located over the stormwater drain. Delivery of this section is being timed with the redevelopment of three properties via Voluntary Planning Agreements, of which two are substantially complete;

(B)       Council approve the substantive terms of the Deed of Asset Ownership and amendment to the original Project Agreement for the Green Square Trunk Stormwater Project between the City and Sydney Water Corporation, as detailed in Confidential Attachment B to the subject report; and

(C)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise negotiations, execute and administer the Deed of Asset Ownership and amendment to the original Project Agreement, substantially on the same terms shown at Confidential Attachment B to the subject report.

Carried unanimously.
