Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by
Councillor Scully -
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
Basic Income (also known as Guaranteed Income or Universal Income) is a
form of periodic cash payment which is provided universally to all individuals
without condition;
under Basic Income pilots, people receive payments from government -
sometimes with the support of private philanthropy or community organisations -
without the restrictive and often punitive obligations or conditions placed on
people who receive income support in Australia;
(iii) around the world, local governments are
playing a central role in exploring and implementing Basic Income, including:
in the United States of America there are currently over 50 local
government trials, and the number of Mayors in the Mayors for a Guaranteed
Income network recently passed 100 Mayors in support of guaranteed income;
a Youth Basic Income was introduced in Seongnam City, and then
Gyeonggi-do Province in the Republic of Korea; and
the Republic of Ireland has recently launched a ‘Basic Income for the
Arts’ pilot, providing a Basic Income to 2,000 musicians, writers, dancers,
film makers, choreographers and other artists;
(iv) Basic Income experiments and trials have
identified significant positive effects on physical and mental health, reducing
poverty and enhancing social cohesion. Basic Income pilots have shown that
people provided with unconditional and sufficient income support are more
likely to become employed, and are more likely to start a business; and
(v) the international Basic Income Earth Network
Conference was held in Australia in September 2022. Keynote speaker Scott
Santens at the conference and the Australian Basic Income Lab visited Sydney
Town Hall to provide a briefing on efforts to advance Basic Income,
particularly through local government.
The motion was carried on the following show
of hands:
Ayes (8) The Chair (the
Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Ellsmore, Gannon, Kok, Scott and Scully
Noes (2) Councillors
Jarrett* and Weldon*
Motion carried.
*Note – Councillors Jarrett and Weldon
abstained from voting on this matter. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 10.4
of the Code of Meeting practice, Councillors Jarrett and Weldon are taken to
have voted against the motion.