Advertising Screens Review

31/10/2022 - Advertising Screens Review

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note that the contract with QMS Media Pty Limited provides significant value to the City - both in terms of attractive, well-maintained street furniture and income;

(B)       Council note that the City and QMS Media Pty Limited are both committed to the delivery of the contract; and

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         provide assurance to Council that the new advertising screens comply with Development Consent approvals;

(ii)        carry out an external review of the advertising screens to identify any locations that do not comply with relevant standards and have a significant negative impact on the public domain and pedestrian amenity;

(iii)       work with QMS Media Pty Limited to respond to the recommendations of the review and reconsider the location of those advertising screens that have a significant negative impact on the public domain and pedestrian amenity; and

(iv)       provide Council with a map showing where the new street furniture is located, and an update on progress with the review and outcomes via the CEO Update.

Carried unanimously.
