Project Scope - Douglas Street Park and Playground, Redfern

20/02/2023 - Project Scope - Douglas Street Park and Playground, Redfern

It is resolved that Council:

(A)      endorse the scope of improvements to the playground at Douglas Street Playground, Redfern as described in the subject report and shown in the Draft Concept Plan at Attachment B to the subject report, for progression to relevant approvals, preparation of construction documentation, tender and construction;

(B)      approve the additional funds required to deliver the project as outlined in Confidential Attachment D to the subject report;

(C)      note the history of the establishment of this park, namely:

(i)         in response to the lack of local playgrounds in Redfern in the early 70s, a campaign was launched by local residents for a park for children to be established on a disused piece of public land on Douglas Street;

(ii)        on 22 February 1975, local children and residents staged a direct action by taking down the fences, and created a children’s adventure playground;

(iii)      they proclaimed the park to be the “Douglas Street People’s Park”;

(iv)      the residents continues with the campaign. The land was eventually transferred to the South Sydney Council, to become a permanent children’s playground; and

(v)       the community continued to defend the park as Redfern underwent development. In 1999 Aunty Shireen Malamoo was awarded a Citizens Award from South Sydney Council for protecting Douglas Street park from developers; and

(D)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to provide advice on the Council about opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate the history of the creation as a park. The advice is to consider the Aboriginal history and cultural significance of the site, including the involvement of local Aboriginal community members in establishing the park. The Chief Executive Officer is requested to provide the advice following appropriate further inquiries and consultation, including with those involved in the park’s establishment, and the City’s Indigenous Leadership and Engagement Team.

Amended motion carried unanimously.
