Continued Solidarity with the People of Ukraine

12/12/2022 - Continued Solidarity with the People of Ukraine

Minute by the Lord Mayor

To Council:

The devastating humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian Federation’s immoral and illegal invasion of the Sovereign State of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has no signs of ending.

While the brave people of Ukraine have valiantly resisted the Russian onslaught, recapturing occupied lands, including the city of Kherson, Russian missile strikes and military action have continued, destroying cities and towns and leaving hundreds of thousands of people without food, water, heat, electricity or medical care for lengthy periods. Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives and many more have been injured. Millions have fled Ukraine, creating a refugee crisis. Approximately 5,000 Ukrainians have found safety in Australia including 1,750 who have settled in NSW.

Soon after the invasion on 24 February 2022, the City joined with others in showing solidarity with all Australians of Ukrainian heritage by flying the Ukrainian flag and lighting Sydney Town Hall with its colours.

At our Council meeting on 21 March 2022, all persons present in the Council Chamber stood for one minute as an expression of solidarity with and support for the people of Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, including the millions who had fled their country.

Council also unanimously agreed to provide cash sponsorship to the Ukrainian Council of NSW Inc to assist it to hold an event to raise funds to provide humanitarian aid and support.

The Ukrainian Fundraising Concert, held in Sydney Town Hall on 28 March 2022, was attended by 750 people and raised $32,000 for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal. This appeal is a collaboration between the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) and Caritas Ukraine. The Appeal’s priority is providing emergency humanitarian aid for food, shelter, medical aid, psychological support and child welfare.

The Ukrainian Council of NSW is planning to hold another fundraising event in support of the Crisis Appeal on or close to the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and has again sought the City’s support. I propose that Council continue to stand in solidarity with the People of Ukraine by agreeing to this request. Specifically, I am recommending that Council again approve a cash sponsorship to the Ukrainian Council of NSW Inc for an amount of up to $50,000 towards the use of an appropriate City venue, which may include Sydney Town Hall, subject to its availability on the day of the event.

This sponsorship complies with the City of Sydney’s Support for Charities Policy adopted by Council on 21 November 2022.

Australians may also continue show solidarity by donating to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal:


Lord Mayor


Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Gannon –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council reaffirm its commitment of solidarity with and support for the people of Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, including the millions who have fled their country;

(B)        Council approve a cash sponsorship to the Ukrainian Council of NSW Inc for an amount of up to $50,000 (excluding GST) for venue hire and associated costs to use an appropriate City of Sydney venue for a Ukraine Crisis Appeal event, with funds to be sourced from the 2022/23 General Contingency Fund; and

(C)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer a sponsorship agreement with the Ukrainian Council of NSW Inc in relation to (B) above.

Carried unanimously.
