Parking - No Parking and Taxi Zone - Loftus and Bent Streets, Sydney

16/02/2023 - Parking - No Parking and Taxi Zone - Loftus and Bent Streets, Sydney



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following reallocation of parking:

(A)      On the eastern side of Loftus Street, Sydney between the points 13 metres and 34 metres (four car spaces) south of Bridge Street as "No Parking";

(B)      On the eastern side of Loftus Street, Sydney between the points 41 metres and 46 metres (one car space) as "Loading Zone Ticket 6am-6pm Mon-Fri 6am-10am Sat" and "4P Ticket 6pm-Midnight Mon-Fri 10am-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sun & Public Holidays"; and

(C)      On the northern side of Bent Street, Sydney between the points 17 metres and 42 metres (four car spaces) east of Loftus Street as "Taxi Zone".

Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


The Sandstone Building located at the corner of Loftus and Bent Streets, Sydney is currently being redeveloped to a hotel. The applicant for the Sandstone Building redevelopment has requested consideration for a change in parking in front of the building to improve on-street parking access for pick up and drop off of hotel guests.