Cancellation of Tender - T-2022-755 - Exemption from Tender and Contract Variations for Sydney New Year's Eve

20/02/2023 - Cancellation of Tender - T-2022-755 - Exemption from Tender and Contract Variations for Sydney New Year's Eve

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council decline to accept the tender offer for Firework Displays for 2023 and 2024 Sydney New Year's Eve (with two 24-month options to extend to cover the 2025 and 2026 events, and further 2027 and 2028 events) for the reasons set out in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)      Council cancel the tender for Firework Displays for 2023 and 2024 Sydney New Year's Eve (with two 24-month options to extend to cover the 2025 and 2026 events, and further 2027 and 2028 events);

(C)      Council note the City will undertake a new tender process or processes for the delivery of the 2024 Sydney New Year's Eve and future year events which are expected to be in market by the end of April 2023, following further market research and reconsideration of the proposed contract model;

(D)      Council approve an exemption from tender in accordance with section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the provision of pyrotechnic services for the 2023 Sydney New Year's Eve event;

(E)      Council approve an exemption from tender in accordance with section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the provision of barges and tugs for the 2023 Sydney New Year's Eve event;

(F)      Council note the reasons a satisfactory outcome would not be achieved by inviting tenders is due to the following extenuating circumstances:

(i)         the City has attempted to undertake a tender process to contract services in time for delivery of the 2023 Sydney New Year's Eve event. However, as the market did not respond as intended, the City will need to cancel the current tender and undertake further market research prior to re-tendering; and

(ii)        there is insufficient time to undertake a new tender process for the delivery of the 2023 Sydney New Year's Eve event;

(G)      Council approve a contract variation with Foti International Fireworks Pty Ltd for the provision of pyrotechnic services for Sydney New Year's Eve for the price outlined in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report, for a period of one year to cover the 2023 Sydney New Year's Eve event;

(H)      Council approve a contract variation with Polaris Marine Pty Ltd as Trustee for Polaris Marine Trust No 1 for the provision of barges and tugs for Sydney New Year's Eve for the price outlined in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report, for a period of one year to cover the 2023 Sydney New Year's Eve event;

(I)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise negotiations and enter into any necessary documentation to give effect to these resolutions; and

(J)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to investigate and provide updated advice to the elected Council about opportunities to mitigate the environmental impact of the fireworks, and viable sustainable alternatives, prior to the granting of a tender for future New Year’s Eve Fireworks.

Amended motion carried unanimously.
