Tender - T-2022-717 - Reject and Negotiate - Accounts Payable Invoice Scanning Solution

20/02/2023 - Tender - T-2022-717 - Reject and Negotiate - Accounts Payable Invoice Scanning Solution

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council decline to accept the tender offers received for the Accounts Payable Invoice Scanning Solution for the reasons set out in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)      Council enter into negotiations with suitably qualified vendor with a view to entering into a contract in relation to the subject matter of the tender;

(C)      Council note the reasons for determining to enter into negotiations are that:

(i)         there are critical time dependencies in that the Accounts Payable Invoice Scanning Solution needs to be implemented, tested and deployed alongside the TechnologyOne Cloud migration in August 2023, hence there is insufficient time to run a new tender process; and

(ii)        during the tender evaluation, the City has identified suitable vendors that can meet the City's functional requirements, within the required timeframes;

(D)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to enter into negotiations with any person with a view to entering into a contract on terms that are appropriate in relation to the subject matter of the tender;

(E)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer the contracts relating to the tender; and

(F)      Council be informed of the successful vendor via the CEO Update.

Carried unanimously.
