It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following traffic treatments and parking changes in St Johns Road, Glebe between Glebe Point Road and Ross Street:
(A) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Forest Street;
(B) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Lodge Street;
(C) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Mount Vernon Lane;
(D) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Westmoreland Street;
(E) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Westmoreland Lane;
(F) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Derwent Street;
(G) Installation of continuous footpath treatment and footpath widenings at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Derwent Lane;
(H) Installation of continuous footpath treatment at the intersection of St Johns Road, Glebe and Purvis Street;
(I) Reallocation of parking on the southern side of St Johns Road, Glebe between the points 8 metres and 18 metres east of Lodge Street as "No Stopping";
(J) Reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Lodge Street, Glebe between the points 12 metres and 18 metres (one parking space) as "No Parking NSW Health Vehicles Excepted".
Members for this Item
Voting Members |
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City of Sydney |
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Transport for NSW |
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NSW Police – |
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Representative for the Member for |
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The majority of the Committee supported the recommendation.
The Glebe and Forest Lodge Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming (PCTC) plan adopted by Council includes various proposals to address residents’ safety and amenity concerns for their neighbourhood.
As part of the City’s commitment to calm traffic and improve residential amenity, the City has developed a streetscape improvement plan for St Johns Road, Glebe between Glebe Point Road and Ross Street.