Matters Raised

16/02/2023 - Matters Raised



Request to change parking restrictions in Wattle Street, Ultimo

Ultimo Public School has requested for parking changes in Wattle Street to provide spaces for school staff members only.

Wattle Street is a State Road controlled by Transport for New South Wales

The City has requested Transport for New South Wales to consider the request for Ultimo Public School and investigate reallocating kerbside parking restrictions in  Wattle Street.


Reinstatement of On-Street Parking on Parramatta Road and Introduction of Load Zone in Layton Street, Camperdown

An email has been received by Camperdown Cellars Pty Ltd to request the reinstatement of adjacent on-street parking along Parramatta Road.  The introduction of Loading Zone in Layton Street, Camperdown.

The City is currently investigating the introduction of a Loading Zone in Layton Street, Camperdown to be tabled at a next available Committee meeting. The Applicant has been advised to liaise directly TFNSW regarding the reinstatement of parking along Parramatta Road.

Ogden Lane, Redfern

An email has been received by a resident requesting for Ogden Lane to be made one-way (east to west) due to safety concerns.


City staff will contact the resident regarding the request for making Ogden Lane one-way to improve safety and reduce the speed of vehicles.


Moore Park Light Rail Station - Request for Pick up and Drop off Area

An email has been received by a resident advising that since the Moore Park Light Rail Station has been put in and the buses to the Moore Park area removed, children need to catch the light rail to school from Moore Park to Randwick.  I and many other parents pick up their kids from the roundabout on Driver's avenue in line with the Light Rail Station.

On event days the whole street becomes a Special Event Clearway and there is nowhere to legally pickup anyone from the Light Rail Station for a few kilometres. As you can't stop on Drivers Ave, Anzac Parade, Lang Road, and Moore Park Road.  Most of the time everyone just stops anyway as they have no choice.

I have noticed that all the No Parking signs have been removed and replaced with No Stopping signs.

Is the only way to legally pickup or drop off anyone at the Light Rail Station to pay for parking? 

Transport advised that they will not support a Pick up and Drop off Area in Anzac Parade. Drivers Avenue is controlled by the Centennial and Moore Park Trust (CMPT), the resident will be encouraged to contact the CMPT to arrange for Pick up and Drop off Area during event days. These arrangements should be included in the Traffic Management Plan for events in this location.


Green Square Plaza


Tweed Place Shared Zone Speeding


The City has received correspondence concerning a safety risk when some drivers park illegally or drive too fast in the shared zone.


The City is currently investigating options to improve pedestrian safety. This matter will be forwarded to South Sydney PAC for enforcement.

Issues with traffic lights at intersection of Paul Street/Zetland Avenue


The City has received correspondence concerning traffic signals at the intersection of Paul Street/Zetland Avenue

This matter will be forwarded to South Sydney PAC for enforcement.


Representative for Member for Balmain

The Representative for the Member for Balmain advised that residents have raised the following concerns on Bridge Road, Glebe:

·        Cycleway Safety

·        Pedestrian Crossing Signs not being visible due to overgrown trees

·        Rubbish on the Footways

Transport for NSW (Transport) advised that Multiplex is carrying out trenching works on Bridge Road to upgrade the power supply for the new Sydney Fish Market. Multiplex is required to make the road and cycleway safe at the end of each shift. The permanent restoration of the trench will be carried out at the completion of the power supply works.

Transport will review the pedestrian crossing signs on Bridge Road to ensure they are visible.

City staff will liaise with the City’s Cleansing and Waste regarding rubbish collection along footways, the representative was encouraged to report these matters to the City directly.