Rally for Housing Justice

20/02/2023 - Rally for Housing Justice

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Chan –

It is resolved that Council note:

(A)       on Saturday, 11 February 2023, the grassroots community group Action for Public Housing organised a Housing Justice Rally at Sydney Town Hall;

(B)       the rally was attended by thousands of supporters and was endorsed by various community groups, unions, and peak bodies, including the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Shelter NSW; and

(C)       the rally called on the NSW Government to:

(i)         eliminate homelessness now. Guarantee quality public housing and wrap-around services for those experiencing homelessness;

(ii)        defend and extend public housing. No demolition, no privatisation and no evictions. Refurbish, repair, renovate and refit existing public housing. Build 100,000 public homes over the next four years. Keep public housing under public management and reverse the outsourcing to community housing companies; and

(iii)       freeze all rents for two years. End no-fault evictions. Introduce a vacancy tax to force vacant homes and permanent short-term rentals into the rental system.

Carried unanimously.
