Vale Aunty Roslyn Whittaker Edwards-Priestly

20/02/2023 - Vale Aunty Roslyn Whittaker Edwards-Priestly

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)           Aunty Roslyn Whittaker Edwards-Priestly, known as Aunty Rosie, spent more than three decades living in the vicinity of Kings Cross;

(ii)         Aunty Rosie was a strong Indigenous woman who characterised resilience, generosity and strength;

(iii)        at a recent memorial to celebrate her life, hosted by the Wayside Chapel, Aunty Rosie’s wisdom, love of books, and humour shone through, with hundreds gathered to remember her contribution to Sydney; and

(iv)        speakers at the memorial suggested that as a result of her significant contribution to Kings Cross over many generations, consideration be given to renaming the Kings Cross Library in her honour, or that a sign detailing her life and love of books be installed in the Library;

(B)        the Lord Mayor be requested to write to Aunty Rosie’s family expressing Council’s condolences;

(C)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to consult Auntie Rosie’s family, the City’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel and other significant community organisations about the possibility of renaming the Kings Cross Library or installing a commemorative sign, and report back via the CEO Update; and

(D)        all persons attending this meeting of Council observe one minute's silence to commemorate the life of Aunty Roslyn Whittaker Edwards-Priestly.

Carried unanimously.
