Progressing the City's Campaign to Support the Voice to Parliament Referendum

20/02/2023 - Progressing the City's Campaign to Support the Voice to Parliament Referendum

Original motion moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Weldon.

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)           on 22 August 2022, via a Lord Mayoral Minute, Council resolved to investigate opportunities to:

(a)         conduct a campaign in support of the ‘yes’ vote in the proposed constitutional referendum to enshrine a Voice to Parliament and Government in Australia’s Constitution; and

(a)         use our library system, communications, talks programs and other means to advance the truth-telling aspirations of the Uluru Statement of the Heart and Reconciliation Australia;

(ii)          on Saturday 18 February 2023, the Prime Minister announced that the Constitutional Referendum would be held between October and the end of 2023;

(iii)        the Commonwealth Government has announced its intention to hold the referendum before the end of 2023 and possibly as early as August 2023;

(iv)        the Chief Executive Officer is developing a plan setting out action the City may take in support of a “yes” vote for consideration by Council;

(v)         community organisations such as Reconciliation Australia, From the Heart, the Uluru Dialogue and Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition are preparing to support the campaign for a “yes” vote; and

(vi)        the Lord Mayor, together with other Mayors around the country, has signed Mayors for the Voice to Parliament Public Statement which commits them to informing and educating communities about the Voice and starting conversations about how this Referendum can deliver real reconciliation for our society; and

(B)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)           bring the plan referred to in (A)(iv) to Council as soon as possible for consideration; and

(ii)          investigate the following for possible inclusion in the plan:

(a)         working with and providing support, including financial support and access to City venues, for recognised community organisations who actively support and campaign for a ‘yes’ vote; and

(b)         where appropriate, sharing information, resources and materials about the Uluru Statement of the Heart and Voice to Parliament.

The amended motion was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (9)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Ellsmore, Gannon, Kok, Scott, Scully and Weldon

Noes (1)          Councillor Jarrett.

Amended motion carried.
