Objection to Erskineville Toilet Development Application

20/02/2023 - Objection to Erskineville Toilet Development Application

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Ellsmore –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         D/2022/1360 is a Development Application currently on exhibition that seeks to install an automated public toilet at 5110 Erskineville Road, Erskineville;

(ii)        the Erskineville community have been calling for these amenities as a necessity for a long time, as there are no accessible toilets in the central village of Erskineville;

(iii)      families, residents and visitors that frequent this area of shops and parks require such amenities to be made available;

(iv)      the current proposed location is problematic and numerous submissions from residents objecting its placement have been received by the City;

(v)       the planned location interferes with an important pedestrian walkway travelling in front of the main shops of the central Erskineville village;

(vi)      the toilet’s proposed location also obstructs the view and access to the shops behind it, subsequently impacting their business;

(vii)     of these obstructed shops, there is a long-standing and family-run laundry business owned by a Vietnamese refugee who, with his family, has worked tirelessly to develop their successful local business;

(viii)    the current location does not consider pedestrian needs or the welfare of local businesses;

(ix)      in 2021, D/2021/1087 sought for the same placement of the toilets and was rejected for the same reasons as it is opposed now;

(x)       alternative locations suggested by residents include the nearby parks or opening the Erskineville Town Hall bathrooms to the public; and

(xi)      the Erskineville Station Upgrade currently under construction includes family accessible, and male and female ambulant toilets;

(xii)     that D/2022/1360 will be determined by the City of Sydney Local Planning Panel; and

(xiii)    that the community has made numerous objections to D/2022/1360; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)         investigate alternative locations for an automated public toilet in the central Erskineville Village area; and

(ii)        update Council via the CEO Update on alternative location for an automated public toilet in the central Erskineville Village area.

The motion was lost on the following show of hands –

Ayes (3)          Councillors Ellsmore, Scott and Weldon

Noes (7)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chan, Davis, Gannon, Jarret*, Kok and Scully.

*Note – Councillor Jarrett abstained from voting on this matter. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 10.4 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Councillor Jarrett is taken to have voted against the motion.

Motion lost.
