Moved by
Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Chan –
It is resolved that:
Council note:
that the City supported the extension of outdoor dining last year,
making it easier for cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars and others to use the
public footpath or other public spaces for outdoor dining;
that the alfresco dining initiatives are part of a package of measures
to activate and encourage use of the streets, and reinvigorate the City
that the City of Sydney Outdoor Dining Guidelines include
protections to keep footpaths safe and accessible for all pedestrians. This
includes that the clearance required for ‘service objects’ like public seating,
is recommended to be one metre;
the current City of Sydney alfresco dining guidelines include detailed
provisions for applications on streets, although applications are possible on
all public land, including parks and public green spaces;
a range of City policies and plans, including park Plans of Management,
protect equity of access to the City’ parks, including protecting the ability
for free (non-commercialised) use and enjoyment of parks; and
the notification provisions for new outdoor dining applications are
detailed in the Outdoor Dining Guidelines and strike a balance between
identifying possible impacts and not burdening applicants; and
the Chief Executive Officer be requested to provide advice to the
Council about how the City’s policies and procedures for outdoor dining can be
clarified to include more specific provisions for applications on or near green
spaces, which reflect the City’s commitments to protect the equitable and
accessible use of public parks and green spaces.