Development Application: 330 Botany Road, Alexandria - D/2021/1484

29/06/2023 - Development Application: 330 Botany Road, Alexandria - D/2021/1484

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Chan -

It is resolved that:

(A)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine Development Application No. D/2021/1484, following the conclusion of the public exhibition of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and considering any public submissions received in response;

(B)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine whether the Design Excellence Strategy for 330-332 Botany Road, Alexandria, prepared by Ethos Urban on behalf of City West Housing and dated 17 May 2023, as shown at Attachment F to the subject report, ought to be approved pursuant to Section 3.3.1 of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 and Section 1.2 of the Competitive Design Policy; and

(C)       if the Chief Executive Officer determines to approve the application, consideration be given, pursuant to Section 4.16(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to granting deferred commencement consent to Development Application No. D/2021/1484 subject to the conditions set out in Attachment A to the subject report.

Reasons for Decision

The application was approved for the following reasons:

(A)       The concept proposal is for a building envelope for a mixed-use development including commercial uses and residential apartments for the purpose of providing affordable housing. The proposal secures public benefits comprising land dedication and embellishment works for footpath widening and payment of a monetary contribution towards community infrastructure provision in Green Square. The mixed-use development contains shop-top housing for the purposes of affordable housing and may be carried out on the land which is identified as "Business Area" on the Locality and Site Identification Map and in accordance with the provisions contained at clause 7.13A of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(B)       The proposed envelope complies with the 33m to 40m height controls pursuant to clause 4.3 and are capable of accommodating development that complies with the floor space ratio controls pursuant to clauses 4.4, 6.14 and 6.21D of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(i)         The concept proposal is capable of satisfying the relevant objectives of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012.

(ii)        The concept proposal and Design Excellence Strategy establish a concept building envelope and suitable parameters for a competitive design process. Subject to the recommended conditions, the proposed envelopes can accommodate a detailed building design of an appropriate bulk and scale, that responds to the character of the area, and which is capable of achieving design excellence.

Carried unanimously.
