Housing for All Working Group Update

03/04/2023 - Housing for All Working Group Update

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by Councillor Scully -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         the Housing for All Working Group is an advisory group convened by the City of Sydney Council;

(ii)        the Housing for All Working Group’s membership includes representatives from housing and tenant peak bodies, public and social housing tenants, advocates with lived expertise of homelessness, advocates with expertise in Aboriginal housing and homelessness, NSW Government agencies, representatives of the property industry, architects and Community Housing Providers;

(iii)      the Housing for All Working Group met most recently on Tuesday, 7 March 2023;

(iv)      the meeting included an update on:

(a)       the recent public exhibition of the City of Sydney’s Affordable Housing Planning Proposal. Amongst other changes, the proposal will impact where affordable housing contributions that the City collects from development are directed; and

(b)       the City’s lead role in expanding the supply of affordable housing in the Sydney area through the Resilient Sydney coalition of Sydney Councils, and the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC). Recent actions include the launch of tools and resources that Councils can use to develop and implement affordable housing contributions schemes for their own councils;

(v)       the Working Group members also discussed priorities and actions for its workplan in 2023. Initial agreed actions include:

(a)       a post-election briefing, to discuss what opportunities the outcome of the NSW election presents to improve affordable housing and planning laws, and increase the supply of social and affordable housing;

(b)       a roundtable discussion on the affordable housing shortage for students in the City, which is projected to worsen as more students return to on-campus study. It is proposed that the roundtable be held in late May, and include student representatives, university and training organisations, Housing for All Working Group members, government agencies, and interested representatives from other City advisory panels such as the City of Sydney Multicultural Advisory Panel; and

(c)       a site visit of housing co-operatives to explore innovative affordable housing models; and

(vi)      the Housing for All Working Group will meet again on 27 May 2023.

Carried unanimously.
