Community Consultation on Sydney Metro West - The Bays to CBD

03/04/2023 - Community Consultation on Sydney Metro West - The Bays to CBD

Moved by Councillor Davis, seconded by Councillor Scott -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         the Sydney Metro West project will provide a fast and reliable connection between Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD and includes The Bays metro stop at Pyrmont, which is strongly welcomed by the local community and the City;

(ii)        in August 2022, approval was granted for Stage 2 of the Sydney Metro West project involving excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD, which is now subject to a modification application that seeks to amend conditions of approval to allow non-Tunnel Boring Machine activities to be undertaken 24/7;

(iii)      further, as part of design development, Sydney Metro are changing the tunnel alignment and relocating a “cross over cavern” from east of The Bays Station -where it is largely industrial - to the west of the Pyrmont Station, under one of the densest residential suburbs in Australia and where there are many heritage buildings including on Pyrmont Street, Paternoster Row and Union Street;

(iv)      the modification application was exhibited for just two weeks in February 2023 and included a lot of technical information that was confusing and alarming for many in the community who will be affected by the changes;

(v)       the community are most concerned about impacts of vibrations from tunnelling beneath significant heritage buildings, and about their amenity, safety and wellbeing from the constant and excessive noise from boring and drilling underneath their properties, air pollution from dust, and traffic operating in an already congested area with other major development projects happening at the same time nearby; and

(vi)      at the request of community members and with help of City of Sydney staff, the Sydney Metro West project team met with concerned community members on 29 March 2023 to listen to their concerns;

(B)      the Lord Mayor be requested to write to the Minister for Transport and Minister for Planning requesting that:

(i)         the application to modify approval of the Sydney Metro West - The Bays to Sydney CBD is carefully reviewed against the valid concerns of the community outlined in (A) (iii) to (v) above; and

(ii)        Pyrmont and Ultimo communities are regularly updated at key project milestones and briefed on any further changes proposed with an opportunity to comment before a final decision is made; and

(C)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to convey the valid concerns of the community outlined in (A) (iii) to (v) above in relation to the Sydney Metro West - The Bays to Sydney CBD project during the City’s regular discussions with Transport for NSW and Sydney Metro staff.

Carried unanimously.
