Traffic Treatment and Parking - Separated Cycleway, Permanent Road Closures, Turn Bans and Parking Changes - Oxford Street and Liverpool Street, Sydney and Darlinghurst

20/04/2023 - Traffic Treatment and Parking - Separated Cycleway, Permanent Road Closures, Turn Bans and Parking Changes - Oxford Street and Liverpool Street, Sydney and Darlinghurst



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following traffic treatments in Sydney and Darlinghurst, subject to TfNSW approving the Traffic Management Plan (TMP):

(A)      Bidirectional separated cycleway along the northern kerbside of Liverpool Street and Oxford Street between Castlereagh Street and Flinders Street;

(B)      Permanent road closure of Liverpool Street at Oxford Street;

(C)      Convert Liverpool Street to a two-way road between Oxford Street and Yurong Street; and

(D)      Restrict left turn access into Palmer Street from Oxford Street.

It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following reallocation of parking in Sydney and Darlinghurst, subject to TfNSW approving the TMP:

(E)      On the northern side of Liverpool Street between Elizabeth and Oxford Streets as "No Stopping";

(F)       On the western side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 0 metre and 100.3 metre, north of Liverpool Street as "No Stopping";

(G)      On the western side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 100.3 metre and 107.3 metre, north of Liverpool Street as "No Stopping - Aust Post Vehicles Excepted";

(H)      On the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 40 metre and 50 metre, north of Liverpool Street as "Loading Zone - Vehicles under 9 metres Only";

(I)        On the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 50 metre and 71.6 metre, north of Liverpool Street as "No Stopping";

(J)       On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 0 metre and 115.5 metre, west of Oxford Street as "No Stopping";

(K)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 115.5 metre and 127.5 metre, west of Oxford Street as "No Parking";

(L)       On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 127.5 metre and 153 metre, west of Oxford Street as "Bus Zone";

(M)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 153 metre and 221.7 metre, west of Oxford Street as "No Parking";

(N)      On the northern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 0 metre and 52.8 metre, east of Oxford Street as "No Stopping";

(O)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 22.5 metre and 35 metre, east of Oxford Street as "1/4P 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "2P Ticket 6-10pm Mon-Fri 12.30pm-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sunday and Public Holidays Permit Holders Excepted Area 21"

(P)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 35 metre and 41.5 metre, east of Oxford Street as "No Parking Authorised Car Share Vehicle Excepted";

(Q)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 41.5 metre and 54.2 metre, east of Oxford Street as "Loading Zone 7.30am-3pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "2P Ticket 6-10pm Mon-Fri 12.30pm-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sunday and Public Holidays Permit Holders Excepted Area 21";

(R)      On the northern side of Oxford Street, between the points 52.2 metre and 109 metre, east of Liverpool Street as "Loading Zone 7.30am-3pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat", "Taxi Zone All Other Times" and "Bus Lane 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri";

(S)      On the northern side of Oxford Street, between the points 23.9 metre and 33.2 metre, east of Crown Street as "Loading Zone 7am-3pm Mon-Fri 7am-10am Sat", "Taxi Zone All Other Times" and "Bus Zone Other Times";

(T)       On the western side of Wentworth Avenue, between the points 97.5 metre and 134 metre, south of Liverpool Street as "Bus Zone ".

Voting Members for this Item


Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



NSW Police – Surry Hills PAC



NSW Police – Kings Cross PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation and noted the following changes to the recommendations as follows:

It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following traffic changes in Sydney and Darlinghurst, and the City to investigate and develop strategies for retaining access for the Darlinghurst Area that do not increase traffic flow in Francis Street, and to undertake traffic counts prior and after the road closure to assess traffic impacts due to the closure implementation:

(A)      Separated bi-directional cycleway on the northern side of Liverpool Street and Oxford Street between Castlereagh Street and Flinders Street.

It is recommended that the Committee note the turn restrictions for general traffic at the following Traffic Signal Control intersections in Sydney and Darlinghurst:

(B)      ‘No Right Turn’ from Elizabeth Street northbound and southbound into Liverpool Street eastbound and westbound.

(C)      ‘No Left Turn’ and ‘No Right Turn’ from Liverpool Street eastbound into College Street northbound and Wentworth Avenue southbound.

(D)      ‘No Left Turn Vehicles Under 9m Excepted’ from Oxford Street westbound into Riley Street southbound.

(E)      ‘No Left Turn’ from Oxford Street eastbound into Palmer Street northbound.


It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following traffic changes in Sydney and Darlinghurst subject to Transport for NSW approving a Traffic Management Plan:


(F)       Permanent road closure of Liverpool Street at Oxford Street.

(G)      Convert Liverpool Street to two-way between Oxford Street and Yurong Street.

(H)      Convert Palmer Street to one-way southbound between Foley Street and Oxford Street.

It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following reallocation of parking in Sydney and Darlinghurst:

(I)        On the northern side of Liverpool Street between Elizabeth and Oxford Streets as "No Stopping".

(J)       On the western side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 0 metres and 100.3 metres, north of Liverpool Street as "No Stopping".

(K)      On the western side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 100.3 metres and 107.3 metres, north of Liverpool Street as "No Stopping Aust. Post Vehicles Excepted".

(L)       On the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 40 metres and 50 metres, north of Liverpool Street as "Loading Zone Vehicles Under 9 Metres Only".

(M)      On the eastern side of Elizabeth Street, between the points 50 metres and 71.6 metres, north of Liverpool Street as "No Stopping".

(N)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 0 metres and 115.5 metres, west of Oxford Street as "No Stopping".

(O)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 115.5 metres and 127.5 metres, west of Oxford Street as "No Parking".

(P)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 127.5 metres and 153 metres, west of Oxford Street as "Bus Zone".

(Q)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 153 metre and 221.7 metres, west of Oxford Street as "No Stopping".

(R)      On the northern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 0 metres and 52.8 metres, east of Oxford Street as "No Stopping".

(S)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 0 metres and 22.5 metres, east of Oxford Street as “No Stopping”.

(T)       On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 22.5 metres and 35 metres, east of Oxford Street as “90° Angle Parking Rear To Kerb Vehicles Under 6m Only”, "1/4P 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "2P Ticket 6-10pm Mon-Fri 12.30pm-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sunday and Public Holidays Permit Holders Excepted Area 21".

(U)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 35 metres and 41.5 metres, east of Oxford Street as “90° Angle Parking Rear To Kerb Vehicles Under 6m Only” and "No Parking Authorised Car Share Vehicle Excepted”

(V)      On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 41.5 metres and 44.6 metres, east of Oxford Street as “90° Angle Parking Rear To Kerb Vehicles Under 6m Only”, "Loading Zone 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "2P Ticket 6-10pm Mon-Fri 12.30pm-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sunday and Public Holidays Permit Holders Excepted Area 21".

(W)     On the southern side of Liverpool Street, between the points 44.6 metres and 54.2 metres, east of Oxford Street as "Loading Zone 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat" and "2P Ticket 6-10pm Mon-Fri 12.30pm-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sunday and Public Holidays Permit Holders Excepted Area 21".

(X)      On the western side of Wentworth Avenue, between the points 97.5 metres and 134 metres, south of Liverpool Street as "Bus Zone ".


The City of Sydney has prepared a strategic design plan for the Oxford Street West cycleway, extending from Taylor Square in the east to the intersection of Liverpool Street and Elizabeth Street in the west. The proposed cycleway will be provided along the northern kerb alignment of Oxford Street and Liverpool Street.

The northern kerbside lane on Oxford Street is proposed to be reallocated to create a separated bi-directional cycleway between College Street and Bourke Street. The cycleway along the northern side would reduce the inbound number of traffic lanes from three to two.

The proposal has received in-principal approval from Transport for New South Wales.

No significant changes are proposed to parking and loading on Oxford Street. Transport for NSW will monitor the performance of the westbound kerbside lane and use of off-peak parking and loading spaces for six months after the cycleway opens, to identify and consider potential improvements. This will include evaluating bus reliability and potentially changing off-peak parking and loading hours, in consultation with City of Sydney.

To improve safety for people walking, mitigate traffic flow impacts from the space reallocation and in line with requests from Transport of NSW, the following is proposed as part of the projec

(a)       a right-turn ban from Oxford Street northbound into Palmer Street;

(b)       the closure of Liverpool Street to entering and exiting traffic at its eastern intersection with Oxford Street;

(c)       a left-turn ban from Liverpool Street northbound into College Street;

(d)       a right-turn ban from Liverpool Street northbound into Wentworth Avenue; and

(e)       right-turn bans - both northbound and southbound - from Elizabeth Street into Liverpool Street. Transport for NSW will reroute northbound / eastbound bus routes to Oxford Street via Wentworth Avenue.

The City of Sydney proposes to construct the cycleway and implement the turn ban for below reasons:

·                Pedestrian safety and connectivity are improved along the northern side of Oxford Street, between College Street and the bus stop opposite Brisbane Street.

·                A safe and continuous route for cyclist is provided along the proposed cycleway section on Oxford Street, between College Street and pedestrian crossing east of Brisbane Street.

·                Eastbound bus operation on Oxford Street, between College Street and the bus stop opposite Brisbane Street, is improved due to the removal of conflict with vehicles turning left into Liverpool Street and having to give way at the marked foot crossing.

·                Safety and amenity for the local community north of Oxford Street, between College Street and Crown Street, is improved as the street closure will minimise of rat-running vehicular traffic from local streets heading towards Cross City Tunnel and Eastern Distributor.

The permanent road closure of Liverpool Street at Oxford Street will result in the following impacts:

·                Residents and business owners within the closed section of Liverpool Street can no longer enter the area via Oxford Street.

·                Access to Francis Street no longer available from Liverpool Street, west of Oxford Street, due to the left-turn ban from Liverpool Street onto College Street.

·                Reduction of loading/servicing area for business along the closed section of Liverpool Street.

·                Loss of on-street parking spaces on the north and south sides of Liverpool Street, along the closed section.

The following measures will be implemented to manage the impact of turn ban.

·                Section of Liverpool Street, between Oxford Street and Yurong Street to be converted to two-way and turn-around area provided for vehicles at the west end of the section.

·                Access for emergency vehicles can be maintained by removing the bollards across Liverpool Street.

·                Detour route on Liverpool Street (with two-way traffic between Oxford St and Crown St) for traffic from west / Liverpool St.

·                Detour route via College St, Francis St, Hargrave St for approach from the south / Wentworth Avenue