Protecting Explorer Street Public Housing

15/05/2023 - Protecting Explorer Street Public Housing

By Councillor Scott

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         Explorer Street currently includes 46 town house formation social housing residences;

(ii)        the Explorer Street area is mixed between social housing and public open space maintained by the City of Sydney but partly owned by the Land and Housing Corporation;

(iii)      the former Liberal NSW Government began exploring the rezoning and redevelopment of the Explorer Street social housing estate;

(iv)      the area proposed for rezoning includes social housing dwellings on Explorer Street and Aurora Place, but not nearby properties in Rowley Street managed by Bridge Housing;

(v)       feedback provided by the community in 2020 will inform the rezoning proposal;

(vi)      the community will also have the opportunity to provide further input on the future of the precinct before rezoning can occur;

(vii)     onsite engagement was limited during the 2020 consultation due to Covid-19 restrictions, hence limiting the quality and quantity of residential feedback;

(viii)    the current proposed target sent to residents is to develop the site to 420 dwellings, with 30 per cent of those being social housing;

(ix)      the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) is continuing under the advice and vision of the previous Liberal NSW Government that sought to sell off social housing; and

(x)       the current Labor NSW Government has committed to not sell off any more social housing residences;

(B)      Council support the preservation of the Explorer Street Public housing site as wholly public and affordable housing; and

(C)      the Lord Mayor be requested to write to Minister Rose Jackson to confirm the City’s view on the Explorer Street Public Housing site.

Note – at the meeting of Council, the content of the original Notice of Motion was varied by Councillor Scott. Subsequently it was –

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Ellsmore –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         Explorer Street currently includes 46 town house formation social housing residences;

(ii)        the Explorer Street area is mixed between social housing and public open space owned by the Land and Housing Corporation, some of which is maintained by the City of Sydney;

(iii)      the former Liberal NSW Government began exploring the rezoning and redevelopment of the Explorer Street social housing estate;

(iv)      the area proposed for rezoning includes social housing dwellings on Explorer Street and Aurora Place, but not nearby properties in Rowley Street managed by Bridge Housing;

(v)       feedback provided by the community in 2020 will inform the rezoning proposal;

(vi)      the community will also have the opportunity to provide further input on the future of the precinct before rezoning can occur;

(vii)     onsite engagement was limited during the 2020 consultation due to Covid-19 restrictions, hence limiting the quality and quantity of residential feedback;

(viii)    the current proposed target sent to residents is to develop the site to 420 dwellings, with 30 per cent of those being social housing;

(ix)      the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) is continuing under the advice and vision of the previous Liberal NSW Government that sought to sell off social housing;

(x)       the current Labor NSW Government has committed to not sell off any more social housing residences; and

(xi)      in March 2023, following a Lord Mayoral Minute, the Lord Mayor wrote to the former Leader of the Opposition and now NSW Premier, Chris Minns, about the City of Sydney’s 2023 NSW State Election Priorities including a request to reinstate planning powers to the City for the Explorer Street site and for all other social and affordable housing sites in our Local Government Area into the future;

(B)      Council also note in NSW Parliament on Thursday 11 May 2023, the NSW Premier Chris Minns said in response to questions, that the redevelopment of Australia’s largest public housing estate, Waterloo, will go ahead with a minimum of 34 per cent social and affordable housing, and “the Government is exploring opportunities to increase the proportion of social, affordable and key worker rental accommodation”;

(C)      Council acknowledge the stress and anxiety that many public housing tenants feel about their future, given the uncertainty of the NSW Government’s plans and the lack of clarity over the status of redevelopment projects, including Explorer Street and the Waterloo South estate;

(D)      Council support the preservation of the Explorer Street Public housing site as wholly public and affordable housing;

(E)      noting that the zoning of the Waterloo South Estate would allow for 100 per cent public housing on the site, Council reaffirm that the Waterloo Estate should prioritise delivering maximum public, social and affordable housing on the site; and

(F)      the Lord Mayor be requested to write to the NSW Premier and Minister Rose Jackson:

(i)         to confirm the City’s view on the Explorer Street Public Housing site; and

(ii)        to confirm the City’s view on Waterloo Estate.

Carried unanimously.



At this stage of the meeting, at 8.14pm, it was moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok –

That the meeting be adjourned for approximately 10 minutes.

Carried unanimously.

All Councillors were present at the resumption of the meeting of Council at 8.27pm.