Lighting in Joynton Park

15/05/2023 - Lighting in Joynton Park

Moved by Councillor Jarrett, seconded by Councillor Gannon –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note: 

(i)          as a response to community requests, the City of Sydney launched a six-month lighting trial in Joynton Park in April 2022 whereby they installed five solar powered light towers to extend the usable hours of the park during winter and to make it safe and enjoyable for everyone;

(ii)        the lights in the trial were turned on from 5:00pm to 10:00pm every night in line with the policies for other parks within the City;

(iii)      within the 20 February 2023 Council papers by means of a Question on Notice (QON), Councillor Jarrett enquired into the City’s lack of definitive action regarding the permanent installation of lighting at Joynton Park, particularly in regard to the upcoming winter of 2023, with the following questions: 

Is an update available regarding the park lighting trial outcome following the removal of this lighting?  

Has any additional community consultation occurred or will additional community consultation occur regarding the potential installation of permanent lighting?   

(iv)      the City’s response to the aforementioned questions was that:

the feedback and impacts (increased wear, turf damage during winter when it is dormant, increased maintenance, closure time) of the lighting trial at Joynton Park are currently being assessed and a report back to Councillors will occur through the CEO Update by mid-year. This will include details of further community consultation.’  

(v)       as indicated by the City’s response, there will be no lighting in place in Joynton Park for winter 2023 as the trial lights have been removed and the impacts of the trial will not be reported back to Council until the mid-year, during the middle of winter;

(vi)      community feedback has indicated that there has been no community consultation undertaken by the City with residents of the area since the end of the lighting trial in October 2022; and

(vii)     constituents have expressed deep concern regarding the safety and usability of Joynton Park during winter 2023 if there is no lighting installed, as winter is the darkest time of the year and therefore, there is an increased risk to residents accessing Joynton Park; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:  

(i)         re-install the temporary lighting in Joynton Park that was used in the April 2022 lighting trial before 1 June 2023, regardless of whether the feedback and impacts of the previous lighting trial has been reported back to Council, in order to ensure that the park will have accessible lighting prior to the beginning of winter;

(ii)        consult with the Zetland community to ensure the concerns of the residents are understood and reflected in the report of the lighting trial from 2022 and in the re-installation of the lighting for winter 2023;

(iii)      expedite the report of the previous lighting trial to report back to Council in a timely manner; and

(iv)      engage the Zetland community to discuss installation of similar temporary lights at Tote Park and Nuffield Park to aid community safety and utility of these spaces during the dark winter months. 

Variation. At the request of Councillor Scott, and by consent, the motion was varied, such that it read as follows –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note: 

(i)          as a response to community requests, the City of Sydney launched a six-month lighting trial in Joynton Park in April 2022 whereby they installed five solar powered light towers to extend the usable hours of the park during winter and to make it safe and enjoyable for everyone;

(ii)        the lights in the trial were turned on from 5:00pm to 10:00pm every night in line with the policies for other parks within the City;

(iii)      within the 20 February 2023 Council papers by means of a Question on Notice (QON), Councillor Jarrett enquired into the City’s lack of definitive action regarding the permanent installation of lighting at Joynton Park, particularly in regard to the upcoming winter of 2023, with the following questions: 

Is an update available regarding the park lighting trial outcome following the removal of this lighting?  

Has any additional community consultation occurred or will additional community consultation occur regarding the potential installation of permanent lighting?   

(iv)      the City’s response to the aforementioned questions was that:

the feedback and impacts (increased wear, turf damage during winter when it is dormant, increased maintenance, closure time) of the lighting trial at Joynton Park are currently being assessed and a report back to Councillors will occur through the CEO Update by mid-year. This will include details of further community consultation.’  

(v)       as indicated by the City’s response, there will be no lighting in place in Joynton Park for winter 2023 as the trial lights have been removed and the impacts of the trial will not be reported back to Council until the mid-year, during the middle of winter;

(vi)      community feedback has indicated that there has been no community consultation undertaken by the City with residents of the area since the end of the lighting trial in October 2022; and

(vii)     constituents have expressed deep concern regarding the safety and usability of Joynton Park during winter 2023 if there is no lighting installed, as winter is the darkest time of the year and therefore, there is an increased risk to residents accessing Joynton Park; and

(B)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:  

(i)         undertake further consultation with the Zetland community on the need for, and type of, lighting required in Joynton Park during winter;

(ii)        expedite the report of the previous lighting trial to report back to Council in a timely manner; and

(iii)      engage the Zetland community to discuss the installation of lights at Tote Park and Nuffield Park to aid community safety and utility of these spaces during the dark winter months, if required. 

The motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.
