Inner Sydney Youth Voice Publication Project

15/05/2023 - Inner Sydney Youth Voice Publication Project

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) – 

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note:

(i)         established in 1974, Inner Sydney Voice (ISV, or the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development) is one of the inner-city’s longest running local community organisations;

(ii)        with a focus on inclusion, community development and social justice, ISV has a legacy of advocacy and support for community, environmental and planning issues, working to promote the voices of local residents, public housing tenants and low-income communities in the inner-city; 

(iii)      ISV is a key partner with the City of Sydney through a range of projects and initiatives including, but not limited to, the City of Sydney and Eastern Sydney Abuse of Older People Collaborative, Community Preparedness Projects and the Youth and Family Interagency. The City of Sydney supports ISV with an accommodation grant for their office based at the rear of the Waterloo library;

(iv)      since 1978, ISV has published the Inner Sydney Voice Magazine, which profiles local community development projects and wider issues impacting inner-city communities. The magazine is available in both print, and as an online community resource at; and

(v)       ISV has recently launched a 12-month Youth Publication Program. The program will provide local young people aged 16 to 24 with access to training and mentorship from leading journalists and media experts, leadership training and support and platform to publish local stories; and

(B)      Council congratulate Inner Sydney Voice for the launch of the Youth Publication Program.

Carried unanimously.
