Traffic Treatment and Parking Proposal - Queen and William Street, Beaconsfield

16/11/2023 - Traffic Treatment and Parking Proposal - Queen and William Street, Beaconsfield




It is recommended that the Committee endorse the following treatments and parking changes in Beaconsfield.

(A)       The allocation of kerbside restrictions in Queen Street as "60° Angle Parking - Rear to Kerb" as follows:

·            Western side, north of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points

·            258.8 metres and 269.3 metres;

·            270.8 metres and 295.2 metres;

·            308.1 metres and 324 metres;

·            326.6 metres and 338.6 metres;

·            466.4 metres and 478.2 metres; and

·            481.2 metres and 498.6 metres

·            Eastern side, North of Beaconsfield Street between the following points

·            69 metres and 75.8 metres;

·            78.6 metres and 87.8 metres;

·            90.6 metres and 120.8 metres;

·            517.9 metres and 527.8 metres; and

·            530.5 metres and 543 metres.

(B)       The allocation of kerbside restrictions in Queen Street as "2P 8am-6pm Permit Holders Excepted Mon-Fri" as follows:

·            Eastern side, between points 285.8 metres and 298.1 metres; and

·            Western side, between points 542.9 metres and 545.3 metres. 


(C)       The allocation of kerbside restriction in William Street as "60° Angle Parking - Rear to Kerb" as follows:

·            Western side, North of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points

·            10.4 metres and 31.6 metres;

·            51.8 metres and 70.8 metres;

·            224 metres and 248.6 metres; and

·            350.2 metres and 378.5 metres

·            Eastern side, north of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points

·            85.5 metres and 91.9 metres;

·            94.5 metres and 104.3 metres;

·            298.6 metres and 323.6 metres; and

·            325.8 metres and 345.2 metres

(D)       The installation of 4.1 metre wide landscaped kerb-side blisters on Queen Street as follows:

·            Western side, North of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points:

·            255 metres and 258.8 metres

·            269.3 metres and 270.8 metres

·            324 metres and 326.6 metres

·            338.6 metres and 342.6 metres

·            460 metres and 466.4 metres

·            478.2 metres and 481.2 metres

·            498.6 metres and 509 metres

·             Eastern side, North of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points:

·            75.8 metres and 78.6 metres

·            87.8 metres and 90.6 metres

·            120.8 metres and 128.5 metres

·            511.4 metres and 517.9 metres

·            527.8 metres and 530.5 metres

·            543 metres and 551.6 metres

(E)       Installation of 2 metre wide In-Road landscaped median on Queen Street, North of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points:

·            139.2 metres and 154.2 metres

·            201.3 metres and 212.6 metres

·            371.5 metres and 391.5 metres

·            555.7 metres and 572.2 metres

·            592.6 metres and 612.5 metres

(F)        Provision of a pedestrian refuge island at the Queen and Collins Street intersection, north of Collins Street, between points 199.2 metres and 201.30 metres.

(G)       Installation of a 4.6 metre wide kerb extension on the eastern side of Queen Street, between the points 295.2 metres and 308.1 metres north of Collins Street.

(H)       Installation of a 2.1 metre wide kerb extension on the western side of Queen Street, between the points 298.1 metres and 315.2 metres north of Collins Street.

(I)         Provision of a pram ramp crossing on Queen Street, between points 31.6 metres and 34.0 metres on both sides of the street.

(J)        Installation of 4.1 metre landscaped kerb-side blisters on William Street as follows:

·            Eastern side, North of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points:

·            77.4 metres and 85.5 metres

·            91.9 metres and 94.5 metres

·            104.3 metres and 110.5 metres

·            323.6 metres and 325.8 metres

·            345.2 metres and 351.2 metres

·             Western side, North of Beaconsfield Street, between the following points:

·            31.6 metres and 36 metres

·            70.8 metres and 77.4 metres

·            217.5 metres and 224 metres

·            248.6 metres and 255.1 metres

·            342.1 metres and 350.2 metres

·            378.5 metres and 385.4 metres

(K)       Installation of 2 metre wide In-Road landscaped median strips on William Street between the following points:

·            116.6 metres and 127.9 metres

·            187.9 metres and 213.1 metres

·            392.1 metres and 406 metres

(L)        Installation of a 2.1 metre wide kerb extension on William Street, north of Beaconsfield Street as follows;

·            Eastern side, between the following points:

·            0 metres and 6.6 metres

·            41.3 metres and 59.7 metres

·            Western side, between the following points:

·            287.3 metres and 299.80 metres

(M)      Installation of a 4.6 metre wide kerb extension on William Street, north of Beaconsfield Street as follows:

·            Western side, between the following points:

·            2.4 metres and 10.4 metres.

·            44.1 metres and 51.8 metres.

·            Eastern side, between the following points:

·            283.8 metres and 298.6 metres.

(N)       Provision of a pram ramp crossing on eastern and western side of William Street, between the following points:

·             2.8 metres and 4.0 metres

·            46.3 metres and 48.7 metres

·            292 metres and 294 metres

(O)       The allocation of yellow "No Stopping" line marking as follows:

·            Western side of William Street, between the points 403.1 and413.6 metres south of Reserve Street;

·            Eastern side of William Street, between the points 404.9 and 413.6 metres south of Reserve Street;

·            Western side of Queen Street, between the points 610 and 620 metres south of Johnson Street;

·            Eastern side of Queen Street, between the points 612 and 622 metres south of Johnson Street;

·            Western side of Queen Street, between the points 566.3 metres and 576.3 metres, south of O'Connor Lane;

·            Western side of Queen Street, between the points 580.2 metres and 590.2 metres, north of O'Connor Lane; and

·            Western side of Queen Street, between the points 45.1 metres and 55.1 metres, north of Queens Lane.

(P)       To install B-B centreline road marking as follows:

·            On William Street, between the following points

·            74.4 metres and 82 metres

·            340.5 metres and 354.5 metres

·            382.1 metres and 384.5 metres

·            On Queen Street, between the following points

·            343 metres and 356.2 metres

·            503 metres and 514 metres

·            538.4 metres and 556.2 metres

(Q)       To install white chevron road marking North of Beaconsfield Street, as follows:

·            On William Street, between the following points

·            105.4 metres and 116.6 metres

·            384.5 metres and 392.1 metres

·            On Queen Street, between the following points

·            123.8 metres and 139.2 metres

·            212.6 metres and 228.6 metres

·            356.2 metres and 371.5 metres

·            556.2 metres and 555.70 metres

(R)       The installation of a raised pedestrian crossing in Collins Street, west of William Street.

The installation of a Continuous Footpath Treatment in William Street, north and south of Collins Street. 

Voting Members for this Item


Voting Members



City of Sydney


Transport for NSW


NSW Police – South Sydney PAC


Representative for the Member for Heffron




The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


The Greening Sydney Strategy (GSS) was adopted by Council in July 2021 and sets a vision for a greener Sydney that will help improve our health and wellbeing, reduce urban heat impacts and bring nature into the city. The strategy is made up of six key directions and 20 key actions. Streets account for 23 per cent of the total local government area (LGA). The target for streets as a collective land use area is 39 per cent green cover with a minimum of 34 percent canopy cover. To achieve the overall LGA targets a variety of measures are defined in Action 1 of the GSS. The City has committed to develop policies, programs, and projects to increase the number and type of street gardens, increase the number and type of inroad plantings, plant more street trees and ensure the largest tree species appropriate for the space in planted. The planting of trees within the road pavement area is an opportunity to increase tree canopy within the street network above that provided by typical planting within the verge. Planting in the roadway provides a range of benefits including traffic calming by narrowing roadway down and reducing speed, opportunity to install trees clear of overhead services, opportunity for passive irrigation and integrated stormwater management and the maximised shading of large areas of hard stand. William and Queen Streets in Beaconsfield are suitable locations to fulfil the above vision. The proposed works for these streets are an integrated proposal to provide in-road planting opportunities whilst also addressing issues related to traffic speed, parking, and pedestrian access.