Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013

29/06/2023 - Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Kok -

It is resolved that:

(A)       the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the matters raised in response to the public exhibition of Planning Proposal: City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Update and draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Amendment 2022 and draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan, as described at Attachment A to the subject report;

(B)       the Central Sydney Planning Committee approve Planning Proposal: City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Update, shown at Attachment B to the subject report, as amended, to be made as a local environmental plan under Section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, subject to the making of minor amendments to align the Planning Proposal with the resolution at (C);

(C)       the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the recommendation to Council’s Housing For All Committee on 19 June 2023 that Council approve the draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Amendment 2022, shown at Attachment C to the subject report, as amended, noting that it will come into effect on the date of publication of the subject local environmental plan, in accordance with Clause 20 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, subject to the following amendments as underlined:

(i)         amendment of Section 2.1.6 – Satisfying a contributions requirement by dedicating dwellings, to read at the second dot-point “affordable rental dwellings are owned by government or a nominated and Recommended and Eligible CHP or as otherwise provided for in any distribution plan adopted by Council”;

(ii)        amendment of Section 2.1.6 – Satisfying a contributions requirement by dedicating dwellings, to read at the last paragraph “Appendix C details the process for dedicating dwellings for affordable housing unless otherwise provided for in any distribution plan adopted by Council”;

(iii)       amendment of Section 2.9.1 – How in-kind contributions are to be used, to read “In-kind contributions of affordable housing dwellings are to be given/dedicated, free of cost, to a Recommended CHP, or as otherwise provided for in any distribution plan adopted by Council as identified in a Distribution Plan. Where dedication is in accordance with this Program, In in the circumstances that no Recommended CHP is willing to accept the in-kind contribution, then it may instead be given/dedicated by the developer to another Eligible CHP according to the terms of any planning agreement. In-kind contributions are to remain affordable housing in perpetuity and to be owned and managed by the receiving CHP in accordance with this Program.”

(D)       the Central Sydney Planning Committee note the recommendation to Council’s Housing For All Committee on 19 June 2023 that Council approve the draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan, shown at Attachment D to the subject report, as amended, noting it will not commence until 1 July 2024;

(E)       the Central Sydney Planning Committee note that following further research and stakeholder consultation it is intended that a final distribution plan will be reported to Council prior to 1 July 2024; and

(F)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments to Planning Proposal: City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Update, the draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Amendment 2022 and the draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan, to correct any drafting errors or inconsistencies, prior to finalisation.

Carried unanimously.
