Public Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy

21/08/2023 - Public Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note the 9 March 2020 Resolution of Council - Supporting Haymarket and Other Businesses put forward via a Lord Mayoral Minute requesting that the Chief Executive Officer further investigate street attractions and activations, including changes to signage, streetscape and traffic movements in Haymarket to reinvigorate the area and increase foot traffic and the 21 November 2022 Resolution of Council endorsing the Project Definition and Scope for the Dixon Street Improvements;

(B)      Council note the findings of the Haymarket Visioning Engagement Outcomes Report as shown at Attachment B to the subject report, Community Vision for Haymarket as shown at Attachment C to the subject report, Haymarket and Chinatown Economic and Land Use Study as shown at Attachment D to the subject report, and Chinatown Thematic History as shown at Attachment E to the subject report;

(C)      Council approve the public exhibition of the draft Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy as shown at Attachment A to the subject report, for a minimum period of 28 days;

(D)      Council note that the Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy including any recommended changes will be brought back to Council for adoption following the exhibition period;

(E)      Council note that further reports will be brought back to Council following heritage assessment of any further items for heritage listing;

(F)      Council note that following the exhibition period if it is confirmed that the Dixon Street frontage upgrade program and the Haymarket activation grants are endorsed by Council, additional budget of an estimated $900,000 over three years to co-fund the Dixon Street frontage upgrade program and an estimated $600,000 over three years for additional Haymarket activation grants will be required. In this eventuality a further report will be brought back to Council for consideration and public exhibition of the new programs as required;

(G)      Council note following the exhibition period, if it is confirmed that significant implementation activities are endorsed by Council, funding will be required for an additional Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position for a Haymarket Coordinator and this will be required to be incorporated into future budgets for public exhibition and endorsement by Council;

(H)      the Chief Executive Officer be requested to investigate the possibility of creating a Chinatown and Haymarket Community Centre and report back to Council via the CEO Update; and

(I)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make minor amendments to the draft Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy for clarity or correction of drafting errors prior to public exhibition.

The motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.
