Sheroes of Our Nation

21/08/2023 - Sheroes of Our Nation

Moved by Councillor Davis, seconded by Councillor Scott -

It is resolved that:

(A)       Council note the 13 March 2023 Resolution of Council - Diversifying City of Sydney Art Projects and that this notice of motion is a continuum in support of said resolution;

(B)       Council affirm that action on this motion provides opportunities to support and increase equality of gender for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Culturally and Racially Marginalised (CARM) trailblazers within the public realm, including but not limited to:

(i)         Dr Faith Bandler née Ida Lessing Faith Mussing AO AC MBE (27 September 1918-13 February 2015), an Australian civil rights activist born to a South Sea Islander Slave Blackbirded to Australia from Ambrym Island, Vanuatu and her mother was of Scottish-Indian heritage, whose achievements are documented at and Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace prize winner and former President of South Africa, presented Faith on behalf of the Sydney Peace Foundation, with a Meritorious Award in Honour and Gratitude for a Life of Courageous Advocacy for Justice and for Indigenous People, for Human Rights, for Love and Reconciliation;

(ii)        Dr Ernestine Bonita Mabo (nee Neehow) AO (c1943-26 November 2018), a Malanbarra Clan women from Palm Island and a descendant of Australia’s Blackbird trade from Tanna Island in Vanuatu who was recognised as an Officer of the Order of Australia on Australia Day 2013 and fondly known as the ‘Matriarch’ or ‘Mother’ of native title for the Mabo v Queensland challenge by her husband Eddie Koiki Mabo on the notion of 'Terra Nullius,' that Australia was 'land belonging to no one', in the High Court of Australia, with her achievements documented at; and

(iii)       Ms Shireen Fern Joy Malamoo, born on 26 March 1936, an Aboriginal/Kanak woman of the Juru Clan and Blackbirded descendant of Tongoa Island in Vanuatu from Plantation Creek historically known as a town camp of the Burdekin, Townsville far north Queensland, a Commissioner of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (1991-1993) and NSW Parole Board member (1994-2003) whose other achievements are documented at ASSIPJ Board - original - Australian South Sea Islanders - Port Jackson and Malamoo, Shireen - Woman - The Australian Women's Register (; and

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer, working with the Public Art Advisory Panel and relevant stakeholders, be requested to investigate a process for commemorating pioneering CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) and CARM (Culturally and Racially Marginalised) trailblazers in public art with this process to include:

(i)         consultation with trailblazers’ families and consideration of their culturally specific community and cultural practices and political relevance; and

(ii)        taking into account the 11 April 2022 Resolution of Council - City of Sydney Recognition of and Support for Australian South Sea Islanders and the 13 March 2023 Resolution of Council - Diversifying City of Sydney Art Projects.

Carried unanimously.
