Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference- Support for Drag Story Time Events in Local Government

21/08/2023 - Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference- Support for Drag Story Time Events in Local Government

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)       note that:

(i)         the City of Sydney community is a proudly LGBTIQA+ inclusive community; 

(ii)        as demonstrated in the City of Sydney, pride and visibility should not just be something that LGBTQIA+ residents experience just once per year, and Council facilities such as public libraries, swimming pools, sporting facilities and community centres are ideal venues for local inclusive events; and

(iii)       there has been a recent rise in homophobia and hate speech targeted at the LGBTQIA+ communities, including organised disruption of ‘Drag Story Time’ programs; and

(B)       submit the following motion for consideration at the upcoming 2023 Local Government NSW Annual Conference:

Topic: Support for Drag Story Time and LGBTIQA+ community activities by local councils

That Local Government NSW:

(a)          encourages and facilitates member councils to organise local events that are inclusive for LGBTQIA+ residents year-round;

(b)          supports councils to facilitate community-driven safety solutions to ensure that drag story time and similar events can take place at council facilities safely for performers and attendees; and

(c)          encourages member councils to ensure that drag performers receive payment in full for events that are cancelled.

Carried unanimously, as part of an in globo motion.
