Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Support for Gender Affirmation Leave for Council Workers

21/08/2023 - Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Support for Gender Affirmation Leave for Council Workers

Moved by Councillor Ellsmore, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)       note that:

(i)         workers who are undergoing gender transition through surgeries and other gender affirmation procedures can require six weeks or more recovery time;

(ii)        very few employees have sufficient leave stored up for these processes - particularly in the wake of Covid-19. A lack of access to leave can effectively force trans, non-binary, and otherwise gender-diverse employees to leave their employment to undergo gender transition procedures; and

(iii)       gender affirmation leave is not commonly available for workers, including local government; and

(B)       submit the following motion for consideration at the upcoming 2023 Local Government NSW Annual Conference:

Topic: Support for Gender Affirmation Leave for Council Workers

That Local Government NSW consult with the union and trans health providers to develop a policy for paid annualised gender affirmation leave for employees of local government.

Carried unanimously, as part of an in globo motion.
